ChanChang - Hyung

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Aiisssshh another day, another crisis, another disappointments. Where will I stop experiencing this kind of bullshits? I just... don't want to live anymore. But I know I had to fulfill my dreams in order to make all the people who makes me suffer, regret everything they did to me.

"Seo Changbin! Get down here! Where the hell is my coffee?!"

"Coming aunt Grace!"

As soon as Changbin got his bag at the bedside table, he rushed downstairs and there he saw, his aunt, waiting for her coffee.

"Why are you late this time? Something happened last night while I'm gone?" his aunt asked.

"Nope. Nothing happened aunt Grace. I just overslept because of my homeworks. How's your party last night? Have you met another guy?" Changbin asked while serving her the coffee he made.

"As usual. No one even dares to touch me. Too afraid to get hurt" his aunt laughed and so as he.

"I'm going now. I hope you find your true love"

"Wait! Stay there for a second"

He stayed there, watching his aunt rummage through her bag and he was shocked when the woman gave him a money.

"Go get yourself a new clothes. I don't want my nephew to go outside wearing the same shirt over and over again. Plus it's my payment, since I didn't get you anything when you won your music class. Just, promise me you'll hang out with a friend. You've been here in Australia your whole life. Bring some friend, no. Make some friends, okay?" he hugged his aunt tight and he smiled.

"You know I have friends in school, aunt Grace. What makes you think I'm lonely?" Changbin answered and smiled warmly.

"Then bring them here! Introduce them to your beautiful aunt"

"I'm leaving!!!"

"You brat! Get back here! Don't you dare shout on me!!"

This too, is the main reason why Changbin can't give up. His aunt, who he loves the most needs a company. She is the only family left and that's the same for his aunt. They were alone, ever since his mom left him when he was still a baby, and his aunt is the one who stood as his mother and father. Even though he's suffering in his school, he needs to move forward and ignore everything, for her aunt and for himself.


Changbin turned around to see Felix, walking towards him with a wide smile. "What again, Felix?"

"It's early and you're already nasty. Come on, don't be such an asshole" Felix said and they walked inside the school.

As soon as they stepped inside, people is staring at them. They look disgusted and some are laughing at them.

"What is their problem?" Felix suddenly blurted out making Changbin's eyes widen.

"I told you to stay away from me, Felix. Being with an asian boy like me, disgusts them. You already know that. Now leave me alone, will you?" Chanbin seriously said and walked faster.

"So what? It's not like what they think, matters. Plus I'm also asian. I don't care what they say" Felix replied and Changbin just shook his head, annoyed.

As they pass through the crowd, a bunch of student suddenly came in their way.

"Felix? The heck are you doing, man? Don't tell me you're gonna hang out with that asian freak? He has disease, you know?" the guy said but Changbin just brushed it off.

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