JeongMin - The Bully

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Seungmin was your typical bully who doesn't hurt you physically YET but if you get on his way, it will probably take him 5 minutes to get you on the ground covered in blood. He's so smart that other people are scared to even look at him. Others are too afraid to be his partner in a project because of his intelligence. He will say whatever he wants and he's so straightforward, that's why many students just avoid talking to him or being close to him. Yeah, he admits that he hurt a lot of students because of his words but honestly? He doesn't give a fuck about it because he thinks that everyone is stupid except for him and his friends.

"Seungmin-ah! Exam starts at 10 minutes! Why don't you come inside and relax with us" Jisung, Seungmin's bestfriend who happens to be like him. Not so similar but they are alike.

"Us? Who are you with?" Seungmin asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Just come here!" Jisung shouted because Seungming might not hear him because of the students scattered in the hall.

Seungmin jogged towards Jisung and they both sat in their seat.

"I am asking you, asshole. Who are talking about us?" Seungmin repeatedly asked and Jisung looked beside Seungmin and he was shocked to see a little boy sitting in his right side. "Oh fuck! I didn't see you there. What are you doing here little boy?"

"I'm not a little boy, sir. I just transferred here and I will also take the exam" the boy shrugged and hugged his backpack.

Seungmin was kind of amused by his look. He was so little and he looks like a 3 year old baby who is lost.


"What's your name, boy? How old are you?" Seungmin asked and the boy raised his head and smiled.

A smile that is so creepy, yet so attractive.

"I'm Yang Jeongin and I am 17 years old" the little one answered.

"Kim Seungmin, I'm 19" Seungmin replied and there is something that made him confused. "Tell me, why are you in this class? You're still 17"

"I jumped a year" Jeongin shyly answered and it made Seungmin laugh.

"You must be intelligent to be here. Well it was nice meeting you, Jeongin" Seungmin smiled at him and so as Jeongin.

The bell rang and everyone stood up in their seat heading outside the classroom.

"I want you in our table, after you finish those papers. You will easily see us in the cafeteria so be there, okay? I must tell you who I really am" Seungmin said and Jeongin simply nodded.

Jeongin was now left in the room taking care of his school papers who happens to be in a mess. He was about to pass it today but because of the exams, he thought that maybe he'll pass it tomorrow.

"Ooohh if it isn't the guy who bumped on me without even apologizing. Are you really not scared of us? I heard you are Seungmin's new pet. How is it? Got your ass whooped by him already?" Jeongin looked at the guy and glanced away to continue cleaning his desk.

"Why? Do you want your ass to be whooped, too? Sorry, babe. I don't do bullshits" Jeongin responded and stood up.

The three of them laughed and it somehow made Jeongin's blood boil.

First of all, I don't like being laughed at.

"You're so funny. Not because Seungmin's by your side, means you can now talk back to us. Seungmin doesn't give a fuck about his pets. You're still new and you'll see what kind of person he is. He's a jerk, though. For choosing a soft one like you to be his pet" the boy said and Jeongin clutched his fist.

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