Coming ( Back ) To America

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Chapter One

Las Vegas 

December 22nd, 2006

An unsettling feeling is deep in the pit of my stomach. We've spent the last two years out of the country and now we're heading back. Back to all of the chaos that America is known for. Woe is me. 

Being out of the country for so long has been great. We didn't have to deal with the annoying American press. I love the feeling of complete isolation that comes with being in the middle of nowhere. It's easy to disappear and control your destiny.

Of course, I knew this day would come eventually. We're American's after all and our whole family is there. So here we go back to everything we left two years ago.

" Now don't look so unhappy Bianca. It's time to come out of hiding already. " My dad says while looking out of the window of the airplane.

He's one to talk. " Oh is that what we were doing? I hardly noticed. " 

" Watch your sarcasm young lady. " He warns half-heartedly. " I might not know exactly why, but you ran away just as I did. You have to face it at some point. " 

Damn it! Why does he have to look right through me at a time like this?! 

" Mr. Jackson, we're about to land the pilot needs everyone in their seats. " The stewardess says from her cubby hole. " 

We land safely and before we leave, my dad leans in a says " a car is waiting along with a new security guard. Please cover your face. " 

Rolling my eyes I pull my hood and scarf to cover all but my eyes. The kids all leave down the ramp first with us lagging. Putting my arm in his we finally take the leap and put our feet on American soil for the first time in two years. 

I'm not exactly sure of where we're going, but we both love Vegas so what could go wrong? As long as no one gets tipped off about our arrival that is. Who am I kidding? The fans will find us no matter where we are.

We get to the secluded mansion and I right away don't like the vibe. I mean, it's nice and all... But it's no Neverland and judging by the look on the kids' faces they feel the same. 

I choose a room to occupy and then go to help the kids get settled in. When we're done they all beg to go swimming so I lead them down so they can ask dad as they know they have to do. We get back down to the foyer dad calls us over to where he and his assistant stand with the security guard that drove us from the airport. 

" Kids come here! I want you to meet Bill, our new head of security

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" Kids come here! I want you to meet Bill, our new head of security. You will stay in the night, right? " He asks the tall football player looking, man. 

" Yes, sir. Of course. " He says hesitantly. Oh, boy. My dad is very naive about the situation and this is a sticky situation. I smile at him sweetly since he looks so caught off guard. " Hi Bill, I'm Bianca and this is Prince, Paris, and Blanket. "

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