Normal Tuesday's and Getting fitted

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

September 28th, 2009

Chanhassen Minnesota

I watch Prince through the kitchen window. Riddick's blue/black coat shines in the sun as Prince brushes him. For the first time in a long time, he looks back to normal. He has been walking just fine the last month. Not even needing his cane at all.

Watching him frolic like a young man makes me hotter than I thought could be possible. With everything that happened in the past year and a half, it's like I lost my mojo... Looks like I found it. The wedding isn't coming fast enough I swear. Okay, Bibi let's change the subject before you have to go use one of your b.o.b's. 

Interestingly enough the ones that he bought for me.

I turn away from the window to avoid impure thoughts. Instead of daydreaming, I get started on dinner. This beautiful house is really starting to feel like a home. Every morning I make breakfast for us and every night I make dinner. We haven't needed hired help once. I like feeling like this could be our lives forever.

My dad was a little sad that I left so soon but he was doing very well after his heart attack and I have to get back to my life. Plus, I understand why Prince didn't want to move into Wonderland, the home we just closed on in Vegas. 

I just wish I had more time to make sure this Lola woman was on the up and up. The Google search I did on her didn't exactly squash my worries. The woman is clean but the allure of fame can seduce even the purest.

I don't want to sound skeptical... But I am. Being raised like I was, you can never be too careful. If someone starts getting too excited to be near me or my family I get nervous. Like what do you really want from us? Ugh! I just wish I could get in people's heads to see their true intentions.

As I'm cutting the romaine lettuce for the salad I feel two arms wrap around me. " You look mighty good in here making my dinner woman. "

I turn in his arms and give him a deep kiss. " You looked mighty good out there with that horse. "

" So two months huh? Are you getting nervous? " Prince asks changing the subject.

He's referring to our wedding. We have been planning it for the better part of the year and it's finally coming up. I collaborated with Prince's top personal designer on my dress. I already had the sketch ready to go for her, she just brought my vision to life. I still have a couple of fittings to do and it will be perfect. I just have to stay away from candy... Sounds easy but it's not.

" I am anything but nervous baby. " I say in a cutesie voice.

He laughs. " Can't wait to marry this old man huh? "

" Please. You already know that purple don't crack. You're still as fine as the day I met you. " I say kissing the tip of his nose. " Now get out of here so I can make dinner distraction-free. " I say shooing him out of the kitchen.


California a week later

I hold baby Mason close to me as I watch Kourtney try on her bridesmaid dress. The little guy is too cute.

He looks just like his dad. Unfortunately. That's another story for another time though.

" Mase, doesn't your mommy look pretty in her dress? " I ask him.

He just babbles away with a huge smile on his face. So adorable.

" So when are we going to have little Prince's and Princess's running around? " Kourtney asks with a smirk.

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