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Chapter Nine

Calm down Bibi. You went and let her bring you down to her level. Get it together. Although, I do feel better about the situation now that I've said my piece.

Kourt and I decide after that it's just best to go get some food before Prince goes on. Lord knows I don't need to add being hungry to the list of things pissing me off. After eating Kourtney goes to find her mom in the crowd while I find out a quiet corner. Once I find one I park it and sigh. I'm getting too old for this shit. It needed to be done but being catty has never gotten me anywhere in my career.

" That was some kind of scene back there. " Comes Prince's voice from over my shoulder.

Great. " I have you to thank for making it happen. She would have ducked and dodged me all night if you hadn't helped. "

He laughs. " I could care less about her getting her comeuppance. I'm just trying to get back on your good side... If you have one anymore. I thought we were good? "

" My right side is my good side. Glad we cleared that up. " I say sarcastically. " And we are good I just can't stand phony bitches like that. "

He rubs his face tiredly. " Why you gotta make things so hard mama? It must be exhausting to have to defend yourself all of the time. "

" I don't want to have this conversation right now. " I tell him with attitude.

Prince grabs my knee and scoots his chair closer to mine. " Then when will we have this conversation? "

I want to say never. I mean we've been so good at being just friends lately that I don't really want to mess it up. Just because Johnny and I called it quits doesn't mean I want to jump into anything with him.

" Soon... I just have a lot on my mind right now. " And it is true.

" Don't wait too long mama. I'm a patient man, but no one likes to be lonely. " He says before checking his watch. " Looks like it's time for me to rock the house. You coming? "

Well then. Now I really have a lot on my mind.


After dropping Kourtney off I can't help but think about my conversation with Prince. It left me with a weird feeling. Him talking about not wanting to be lonely really doesn't sit well with me. Sucking up has never been his style and that's why I fell for him. I wanted him to come back crawling back on his hands and knees after what happened last time... But now not so much. I know what kind of bitch loneliness can be.

By the time I walk through my door I'm exhausted but I strip out of my clothes and go for a shower anyway. Dealing with Beyonce and Prince today took a lot out of me. She was someone I considered a friend at one point in time. My dad adored her as well so when she started acting like she didn't know us it hurt.

After my shower, I go into my room and slather my body in lotion. Going over to my dresser I put on a pair of booty shorts for bed. It's hot as hell so I decide to skip a top altogether. I'm about to get in bed when I pass my mirror and something catches my eye.

Getting closer I squint at my reflection. What I see makes my heart speed up. I can feel my pulse pounding in my head. I can't stop looking in the mirror. My vision blurs as tears pour down my face. This is not happening right now.

After a long while of looking in the mirror, I stumble to my bed and blackout.


Ring Ring Ring

Ring Ring Ring

Ugghh. My head is pounding. I must have drunk too much the night before. I want to put my phone through the wall my head feels like it got put through a brick wall, and someone was blowing me up. Picking the damned thing up I see my father's face on the screen.

It's like a bolt of lightning and the night before comes back to me in full force. I throw my phone on the ground and look off into space. Getting up I put on the first outfit I see and call Darren to bring the car around. I need to see my dad.

That's all I can think about the whole way to my dad's newly rented home in Los Angeles. I can only focus on the fact that I need to see him, if not I'll lose my mind. Pulling up to the gate I see a hoard of fans outside. Darren ignores them and has the gate opened.

Once we park I thank Darren and then God that dad's home. His luxury town car is parked on the side of the huge mansion. I don't have a key yet so I knock on the door and wait for an answer. A few seconds later Frank opens the door with a smile. I don't want to be rude but I'm in a hurry so I walk right past him and search the whole mansion for my dad.

I go down into the basement and hear Thriller playing so I know he's practicing. Running to where the music is the loudest I find him drinking a bottle of water. Once he sees me his face goes from happy to angry. I'm not used to him looking at me with that emotion.

" You're in so much trouble. " He says through gritted teeth.

I lose it. " Daddy. " I say weakly before falling to the floor.

" Bibi! " I hear him call before I feel his hand on my back.

I'm breaking down right in front of him. He gets down on the floor with me and rocks back and forth. I try to get the words out of my mouth but I'm hyperventilating.

" Frank! " I hear my dad yell urgently.

They both help me up the stairs and into the living room. My dad sits me down and kneals in front of me. The tears have stopped but I'm still breathing heavily.

My dad grabs my hands which are shaking. " Bibi please tell me what's wrong. " He pleaded.

" I- I found- " I say before putting my head in my hands.

He pulls them away and makes me look him in the eyes. " You found what? "

My lip quivers. " I found a patch! " I'm finally able to get out.

" A patch? " He asks confused.

I nod as the tears start again.

" You have to explain this better. " He pleads.

I jump up almost knocking him on his ass. " This! " I say lifting my shirt up.

Both Frank and my dad gasp. The worst thing that could possibly happen, happened. There's a medium-sized patch of discoloration on my stomach.

My dad comes up to me and pulls my shirt down. Pulling me into a tight hug I can feel him crying on my shoulder.

" I'm so sorry. " He whispers.

I nod into his shirt. " Why me? "

" I asked the same question when it started happening to me. " He says pulling back.

Frank is the next to hug me. " I'm so sorry kid I can't believe this is happening. "

" I need to call Dr. Klein. " My dad says before leaving to get his phone.


A little while later I wake up in my dad's room after a much-needed nap. After talking about what was happening with my dad for a little longer he was able to calm me down. Not wanting to wallow all over again I decide to get my laptop and surf the web.

Facebook is in a frenzy over Coachella. People's pictures are all over my timeline looking like they had a great time. I keep scrolling until a post catches my attention.

Bibi Jackson confronts Beyonce at Coachella. Here's what went down.

I roll my eyes. No wonder my dad is so angry when I got here. He hates when I'm out giving the media a run for their money. Oops.

Scrolling back to the top I start typing a status.

Hey babes, I had the best time at Coachella last night. Prince tore the house down as usual and I got to see a few people I haven't seen in a while. Some words were exchanged but all is well I promise. Sending good vibes to Y'all. I love you. L.O.V.E.

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