Boss Bitch Moves

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Chapter Eight


Saturday, April, 25th 2008

I wasn't exactly into the whole Coachella thing. I felt like it was for the artistic posers after a while. I mean, I'd have loved to play Woodstock, the original music festival, but it was six years before I was born. And this scene ain't what I've imagined Woodstock would have been. But since Prince is playing tonight I guess it gives me a good reason to be here.   

I only planned on coming this one day so I had my purple AYDX dress tailored to perfection.

You will not catch me slipping today because Lord knows the when the paps get wind that Prince and I are in the same space it will be a free for all

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You will not catch me slipping today because Lord knows the when the paps get wind that Prince and I are in the same space it will be a free for all

The festival is okay... There are a few bands I that were worth checking out. I'm mostly mad because I have to wait until later in the night to see Prince perform. Thank God I have Kourtney as company or I'd go insane.

We're currently sipping on expensive champagne and keeping our eyes peeled. Someone must have tipped Bey off that I'm here. I'd seen hide nor hair of this bitch in the four hours we've been here.

" You really think she's not gonna show herself? " Kourtney asks.

I take another look around. " Oh, she's here. I'm sure there are lookouts all over. If we get too close she'll be notified. I'm done looking at this point. I'm just biding my time before pouncing. "

She laughs. " You sound like a spy. "

" Bitch don't tell no one and ruin my cover damn! What kind of Q are you? " I joke.

Kourtney shakes her head. " So how are we doing this?- Wait! " She says excitedly pulling out her cell. " Kim? I know you're here with Reggie but we need your detectiving skills. Meet me in the front in ten minutes. "

I look at her like she lost her mind. " Kim is a big Beyonce fan why would she help me find her? "

" I'm not telling her you want to talk. I'll go meet her and we'll map out where she is. I'll text you as soon as we find her. " She says with an evil grin.

This is why I love this bitch. She goes off to meet Kim while I go and check out some more bands. I try to enjoy them but every time I do get into a song I can feel eyes on me. I hate when someone stares at me for long periods of time without coming up and making conversation. Alas, I can't find the eyes. Just as I'm about to look deeper my phone dinged.

Kim says she's hanging close to your man P. Good luck finding his ass. Sorry.

Is he already here? And she's with him. Who the fuck does that? Dialing his assistant's number I plan on reading him his rights along with hers. When I tell him who I am he hands the phone over to shorty.


God, I hate this. " I know your purple ass is here. Where is my question? "


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