Decisions, Decisions

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Chapter Twelve

May 20th, 2009

Driving down Rodeo Drive I feel like things are finally settling down in my life. I only have one reason to worry... See, I didn't exactly tell Prince the whole truth about the vitiligo. We're just getting back on track and lord knows I don't need him freaking out on me. He was there for me without question which is nice after all these years apart.

My dad started looking into doctors since I had done some digging on Conrad Murray. He is not the right person to watch over him. He even talked to some medical marijuana professionals. If it helps him not worry about me and prolong his life then so be it.

Pulling into valet I get out and hand him the keys and walk into a posh restaurant. I'm having lunch with Kris about some huge deal. 

After she pitched the idea to me I give her the most stank look I can muster. I usually trust her judgment, that is until today. She has really gone and lost her damn mind.

" You want me to what? " I ask not computing what she's talking about.

She laughs knowing I'd react like this. " I know you hate this part of the industry, but it has been ten years since your last interview. "

" Yeah and I wonder why? What with the media attacking me and my dad every which way. " I say remembering my last interview.

It wouldn't have been that bad except for the fact that it was right after me and Mike split. Not my finest hour at all. 

Kris sighs. " Look, you're a media presence. Your fans all over the world want to hear from you. "

The fans. My dad has stressed to me all my life that we wouldn't be anything if it wasn't for the fans. " Which outlet wants the interview? "

She grins evilly. " You can have your pick. "

" Wait, you mean I can choose between Katie and Barbara? " I ask in shock.

She nods. " You're in so high demand that the first interview will be fought over. Once the media knows you're shopping around for someone they'll be throwing themselves at you. That's where I come in and weed the bad ones out. "

I like where she's going with this. The wheels in my head are turning. If I can have my pick then the possibilities are endless. A grin spreads across my face just thinking about it. If I have to do it, it will be done my way.


I've had talks with a lot of television executives this week and VH1 has the best offer by far. Forty-five million dollars for a three-hour-long interview. They've even accepted that I want to handpick the location and person doing the interview. I know just who I want and where I want it to be.

I'm currently at my dad's spending some quality time with Prince Michael, Paris, and Blanket. They wanted to play dress up so I dig deep into our trunk of make-believe. Prince Michael is Peter Pan, Paris is Wendy, and Blanket is a lost boy. I don't have a costume but I run around as Tinkerbell anyway.

 I don't have a costume but I run around as Tinkerbell anyway

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