" Wrong."

" Whatever." I say and start packing up my stuff into my school bag. A silence fills the room, it wasn't like an awkward one, its just that we don't really hang out that much since I've been hanging out more with Jayce and he's been.....I don't know what he's been doing. Lets ask him.

" So what have you been doing for the past couple of weeks? It's been awhile since we've actually hung out."

Olly's cheeks turn pink and I couldn't help but giggle " W-well um...." he starts but doesn't finish, and I raise a brow quite amused with how flustered he was getting. I know exactly what he's been doing.

He's been seeing a girl.

" Who is she? Is that what was on your mind when you messed up at the game yesterday?" I ask, a smile creeping up my lips. Olly's face turns a whole other shade of red and I chuckle.

" But she told me to keep it a secret- "

" You have to tell me." I state, folding my arms under each other. Olly sighs knowing he will not win this battle probably because I would find out anyways, whoever this girl might be.

" It's Olivia." What he just said completely and didn't suprise me at the same time. It all kind of makes sense, why Olly couldn't take me home after the hockey game and Jayce had to and why he was secretive about where he was going, why Olivia wasn't home at all, why I saw Olivia and Olly practically flirting yesterday after school, and why Olivia didn't bet on me going out with Olly. Because they were dating....I think.

" Why didn't you tell me in the first place?!" I say hitting him on the arm with a big slap sound. Olly winces but nods.

" I deserve that." He says.

" You're damn right you do." I agree "Now why didn't you tell me? I doubt you forgot to tell your girlfriend's sister/best girl friend now did you?" I ask. I didn't realize it until now but I was really hurt by this. By both of them. Why did they not want to say anything about it? Was I not important? Were none of us important?

I could feel my body heat up from anger as I clinch my fists, my knuckles turning white when Olly takes a step forward looking quite guilty.

" Kenna it's not like that, I-"

" W-why didn't you tell anyone?" I interrupt, trying calming myself. Deep breathes Kenna.

" Well there was one person I did tell.."


" You knew?!" I exclaim bursting into Jayce's house. I was so angry that when Olly dropped me back off at my house after a silent car ride home I changed out of my school clothes and into sweatpants and a tank top then ran straight to Jayce's home.

" Knew what?" Jayce asks walking to the doorway from the kitchen while holding a pop tart in his hand. I shove past him and go into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Before you asked I was not going to drink it, I needed it for something else.

Jayce follows me into the kitchen setting the pop tart back down on the plate that was set on the table. When I turn around to face him, he puts a hand on my shoulder " Look I'm not to sure what you're mad about but I can tell you right now I didn't know- " I splash the water in his face leaving him in a soaking wet shirt and sweatpants.

On the Ice (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now