Chapter 5

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Once Kirstie and I stood up again we looked at the alpha.
"Hi I'm Avi."
I stepped behind Scott a little bit, I was scared of his voice.
"It's ok I know my voice is very low but I won't hurt you."
I looked up to Scott who nodded. Then I stepped forward and bowed my head.
"Hello sir I'm Mitchell Grassi but if you would like to you. An call me Mitch."
"I can call you what I want omega your mine."
My eyes went blue and I dropped into Omega position.
"Oh yes sir! I'm  very sorry I accept my punishment."
"I'm not going to punish you yet I just need to make sure you both know I'm the boss."
"Yes sir."
I got up and changed my eyes back. Then Avi told Kirstie and I to sit on the couch and talk among our selves. Then he grabbed Scott's arm and pulled him in the other direction into a room and closed the door.
Scott POV
"What the hell Scott."
"Avi he's the one I'm telling you."
"But I told you in the adoption place we only need one Omega and that's what made him not the one."
"But sir fate brought us back together. Besides you have to get over Esther at some point.
Avi roared his eyes turning red. I have to be honest he's a bit intimidating. Then he looked down and pulled me out of the room. By the time we reached the Omegas Avis eyes were back to normal but both Omegas had bright blue eyes and were trembling in the corner of the couch.
"Good going now you've scared our Omegas."
"Oh my god I'm so sorry guys I just get a bit of a temper but I promise I won't ever hurt you u less it's for a necessary punishment."
"Yes Sir."
They answered in unisons these two Omegas are very polite. I wonder what kind of past they've had or if they really are just good Omegas. Then I noticed there clothes and apparently Avi did to because he spoke breaking my thoughts.
"Your clothes are very torn up, both of you. We are going shopping right now. Both of you up and in the car."
Both Omegas jumped up and went to the car.
Mitches pov
"Your clothes are very torn up, both of you. We are going shopping right now. Both of you up and in the car"
Oh no. I don't want to go shopping. Especially not today. Kirstie who was holding my hand thought the same thing however birthed of us wanted to make the Alpha mad in the first day so we jumped up and went to the car. Alpha Scott came to my side of the car and buckled me just like he did the first time while Alpha Avi went to Kirstie's side and buckled her in the the Alphas both got into the front seats and Alpha Avi drove while Alpha Scott and I had a staring contest the whole way there. Then we got to the mall. The mall. The one that it all happened in. Kirstie and I exchanged glances. Alpha Scott caught on.
"Avi what about somewhere a bit smaller for there first time shopping with us?"
"We can go to the smaller shops but I want these Omegas to get exactly what they like and this is the place to find it."
Alpha Scott gave us an I'm sorry look. Then the two Alphas got out of the car. Then mine and Kirstie's doors opened at the same time revealing the two Alphas. Scott in my side Avi on Kirstie's. Then they unbuckled us, Avi helped Kirstie out by taking her hand but Scott picked me up and placed me on the ground. Then we walked around to find Kirstie and Alpha Avi staring at each other in... a new way. We watched from around the corner then Avis eyes went red and Kirstie's blue. They kissed. Then Alpha Avi grabbed Kirstie's hand and walked around the car. He simply stated,
"Kirstie is my Omega now in a mate way. Mitchell you are Scott's Omega but it does not have to be in a romantic way."
Then he started walking towards the mall. I looked at Alpha Scott red was threatening his eyes.
"Alpha? Are you ok?"
"Yeah Hon-Mitchy."
I realy want Alpha Scott to want me the way Alpha Avi wants Kirstie but I don't know if he likes me like that or just as his Omega. Then he I interrupted my thoughts by grabbing my hand and following Kavi ( the ship I made up for Kirstie and Avi). Then we got into the mall and I realy had to use the bathroom. Bad.
"Mitch, lets go find the bathroom."
"U-um ok."
Alpha Scott started towards a Bathroom. I started to smell something familiar. Then we got to the bathroom.
"It's by gender. I'll wait here. Try to go quick."
This all seemed very familiar. The place the scent. Everything. Then I remembered and I knew. This was the place and they are here. Then Alpha Scott broke my thoughts with a hand waving in front of my face.
"Mitchel I won't say it again go use the bathroom."
"Excuse me?!"
I started to cry.
"Mitchy what's wrong. Please tell me."
I started to shake them Avi and Kirstie were there. They were all trying to calm me down. Then I saw one of them. It was Kirstie's old Alpha. My eyes went white immediately the second I was in the precance of my old Alpha. I did t even have to see him. Kirstie realized and looked around. Upon seeing them her eyes went blue and she started to cry into Avi. Both Alphas were very confused. Then the worst possible thing happened. I got hard. I realy didn't want to but I didn't want to be punished. Then he came over.
"Huh I thought you well, still getting hard and white eyed for daddy I see."
I got up and pushed Scott away I walked to my Alpha and started to grind against him.
"No Omega. Not here."
I willingly let him just throw me over his shoulder and start walking. Then I heard Kirstie scream which broke me from my trance. My eyes went brown and I realized where I was. I started to Kick and scream. Then the alpha threw me to the ground and they ran. Scott came running to my side.
"Alphaaaa! Help!"
I didn't understand what was happening but I didn't feel right. The next thing I knew I was back at the pack house and the beta was over me with yellow eyes. My eyes went blue on meeting his yellow ones.
"Hey there buddy. I'm Kevin the Beta."
"Did you know your eyes were white or did they feel blue?"
"What are you talking about?"
"At the mall your eyes turned white. You were under an extreme amount of brain control."
"I-I didn't even notice."
Then Alpha Avi came in. "Hey Munchie. I talked to Kirstie she told me those Alphas kidnapped you and tortured you for a year. Is that true?"
"Yes but please don't tell Alpha Scott or anyone!"
"I won't but I am going to put you and Kirstin both into therapy. You were brainwashed completely."
"Ok Thank you sir."
Then he surprised me and he hugged me.

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