Movie night

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A/N- I thought you might want one where nobody is threatened with death. I am alive, sorry about the long wait-I blame homework and really good books.

Katerina's p.o.v.

I still don't really understand why Raven broke up with Sam. She still loves him, I can see it in her smile, as he does her, in his eyes. Yeterday, she told me it was because she needed to start fresh, that if her wings were gone, so was everything else important. I was a bit taken aback by that, after all, what am I? Some random stranger she only just saw in passing? Getting rid of everything important? Please!

I still love her though, she's my best friend and is going through a really tough time right now. I can't abandon her, we all make mistakes.


I am so bored! Chris asked me I the dance awhile ago and I couldn't believe it! I said yes, but he had to go home for a few weeks so his parents wouldn't get suspicious(his parents don't know about his powers). Now Raven is keeping to herself all the time, Sam is becoming depressed and nobody is as fun as they were at the beginning of school. When we started, it was awesome! Everyone was playing practical jokes and staying up talking all night, showing off their powers all the time. I get it right, Magneto is being evil again and whatever, but it seems to me that he hasn't done anything but make us all depressed. No one has used their powers in weeks, I haven't seen Storm in ages, her aunt's been keeping her away, Jean too. I think Ororo and Jean are helping the xmen, which is reasonable, Sam is depressed because of Raven, Chris isn't here, Raven is depressed because of her wings. Nobody is doing anything, there have been no newcomers, school has been cancelled for the time being, my class:















Are mostly as bored as me. You know what, I am going to plan a sleepover! Oh, it'll be so fun! All the girls can stay in Sasha and Raven's dorms (their rooms open up into one big hall, as they are next to each other) and the boys can camp in the grounds outside. What? Oh god, I don't sound like one of those really girly-into-shopping type girls do I? No, I do, don't I? Great. Oh well, at least I won't be bored anymore.


I knock on the door across the hall from me.

"What is it now? Oh Katerina, hi sorry, thought you were Scott."

I cock my head to one side, "Hey, I thought your aunt was holding you prisoner? And why did you think I was Scott?"

Storm raises an eyebrow and slowly turns her head toward Jean, "Oh go on Jean, do tell her!"

"Um... Scott kinda asked me out..."Jean smiles sheepishly.

I was wondering when he would. So, Chris asks me out right, I say yes. James asks me out, I explain I have someone, Darren asks me out. No, I have someone. Then, believe it or not, Scott randomly asked me to the dance! And now he's turned to my best friend as a second resort. I don't really understand, I won't say anything to Jean. It would upset her.

"Scott asked you before Jean, did he Chrissie?" Someone I forgot to mention who is in my class as well, turns to smile wryly at me.

"Shut up Merissa, what are you doing here anyway, nobody wants you around!" I scowl at her.

"Ah, but see now that's where you're wrong. My mind-reading abilities are useful to the xmen, just like Scott's laser eyes, Macy's water summoning, Beth's abilities to talk to animals and transform into them, James' fire powers, Lucy's, Rick's and everybody else's abilities in our class. I notice that you haven't been showing up at the Xmen meetings though, was that just because you were busy preparing battle plans against Magneto, or oh did you not get invited at all?" She sneers sarcastically in my direction.

"Enough, Merrisse!" Jean put her arm across Merissa's chest.

"Leave it alone Merry!" Ororo chimed in.

I shake my head in disbelief, well actually more in horror, "Merrisse? Merry?"

"You don't understand, we know her better know, she..." Storm looked at me with pleading eyes.

I silenced Storm with a glare and my raised hands. My friends are abandoning me! I don't get it, why can't I be an Xmen initiate? Still glaring, I turn on my heel and stalk out of the room.

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