Unwanted callings

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My whole body is paralysed. I can barely feel my heart beating. I have had so much change and surprise in life, but I have always had one thing that has never changed. My wings. Now I have lost them and all my friends from the sky. The ravens have been gone since the incident, but I thought that they were just mourning, assuming me dead. I was going to surprise them today by showing up alive and well, but I realise know that is not the case. I have lost my abilities so that I could live, meaning my ability to talk to birds has left me. I will most likely never see them again. And there is nothing I can do to help it. My first friends, my true family, the guardians of mine, the birds I travelled with were all of them and now they are gone. Yet another part of my life forgotten, with no turning back or second chances.


"You feeling better now?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, sorry didn't mean to scare you or anything earlier," I smile weakly at Sam, I am glad to see him but the sadness I feel from losing my abilities is still with me.

"Don't worry about it, I'm just happy your safe."

"So... What did I miss?"

He stares off into the distance and I try to grab his attention back. Waving my hand in front of his face, staring into his eyes, jiggling about on front I him, all at the same time. Yet this still hasn't returned him back to me.

Sighing, I quickly snap my fingers, "Hello? Earth to Sam?"

He seemed hestitant, but told me anyway, "Well there's a school dance in about a month, but they said it might be delayed by another month or two.

Okay, I don't really know when it is, but there is one and it is gonna be fairly soon."

"Oh alright. So...who did you ask?" Like I have to ask, he's obviously chosen Julie for his date. I can't blame him really, of course he would love to go with her, but a part of me wonders if he wants to ask me.

"Oh no I haven't asked anyone, I mean I can't," He rushes his words out, slightly slurring them, his expression is one of pure confusion and total utter shock. He looks as if I just asked when the zombie apocalypse was going to start.

"Why..." I start. He wants to go with me? I criticise myself for thinking what I did earlier, all the signs are there, he does love me. But just when will he have the courage to ask me out, or even have the guts to admit he is in love with the ugliest, least popular, crazy girl he's ever met.

"It's a girl ask boy thing, they want to, as Ororo's aunt said, 'mix it up a little and make the dance cool, fresh and modern."

I laugh lightly and give him my very own unique smile," well okay then, I'm not very good at asking people out though, I could always ask one of my friends to go with me."

"Yeah, sure, Katerina would love to go with you I'm sure, she might already have a date though..." He trails off, frowning at my angry glare directed at him. I quickly masked my face, knowing that I came out looking a lot harsher than I meant to.

Although Sam might take longer to register properly what he hears, I have to give him some credit, Katerina too.

Katerina came to see me earlier. They are both so awfully kind to focus their time around me, they are amazing friends and I do not deserve them. At least I still have them with me.

Just as I begin to realise that while I had started an evaluation of my best friends Sam had gone to answer nature's call, my phone starts vibrating violently. Now it's my turn to answer a call.

"Hello?" I question, my brow creasing with confusion at the unknown number.

"Hello, I believe you know who this is and so I would rather not state my name. Do you recognise me or not? It is also became apparent that you will be incapable of responding through words to that question, so if I may ask, just nod or shake your head-I'm assuming you know which one means which," A beautiful voice filled my ears, my heart skipping a beat as the realisation and recognition of the voice hit me. I nodded my head, terrified that they could see me.

"Good, now I want you to do something for me, can you do that?"

I move my head up and down again.

"Ah, wonderful, thank you very much, now if you would be ever so kind as to cut your ties with your lover and make your way back to your previous home, I will be eternally grateful for the pressure of murder being lifted of my shoulders."

I sit where I am, motionless as a statue with my jaw dropped, mouth open and pulled down at the sides to form a horror-struck face. My eyes are bulging, still not completely registering what I am hearing, I slowly nod my head, being able to see behind the words into the deeper meaning of threat I was faced with; my true love's assassination. This could not be happening. Not now, no she can't be. This is sick, this is so wrong, why does death taunt me at every turn and when I have really had enough, it taunts my loved ones. The universe is enjoying messing with me, but I will get back at it. I will not let my beloved go in my place. He shall never be involved in my past experiences and I will not drag him to my friend the grim reaper. That woman will never even see my Sam, I will make sure of that. If I am going down, I'm takin her with me. She will not live to see another sunrise, but neither will I.

"Oh, and do please bring Katerina, she is a useful mutant and it would be a great honour for us to take her in as one of our own."

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