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I was flying alongside Elizabeth, letting the cold winds brush against my face and take me away.

We were playing our favourite game, 'Aeroplane chase'. We had to try and keep up with the aeroplane without being seen and whoever stayed with it for the longest would win.

I laughed at Elizabeth as she croaked out a high-pitched noise. Then I glanced over at the aeroplane and watched the people inside. They were completely oblivious of us. I was watching a pretty woman walk to her seat, where she sat down and watched us flying. I started panicking when I realised she could see us. She got up and climbed into the aeroplane toilet. Less than a minute later, a short man with two strands of grey hair walked out.

My eyes froze and I stayed there, unblinking, watching the man. Next thing I knew, I was crashing into a house in the middle of nowhere.

I crash-landed on the roof and as I skidded to a halt, I noticed my left wing was bent and there was a small tear on the bone. I couldn't return to human form, the wound would then be in my arm and it would be way too deep to recover from.

I saw a crowd of people below me, pointing at me. I had no choice but to ask for help. I lowered myself to the ground and fell to the floor almost immediately, my wings were failing me, one of them had broken and I had began to fall.

Falling is strange, it is like a short impression of flying, it feels as if you are having a taster day for flying. Only it is much shorter, the flying impression only lasts for about two seconds and most die if they fall from the height I fell from. Yet somehow, I felt like the falling would never end, that the sensation would never stop. Normally I would be comforted by the feeling of being in the air, but this was different and it made me feel horrible. I felt as if someone was continuously stabbing my stomach and I wanted to let go of life, but I couldn't because my arms were outstretched and my hands just kept grabbing my soul and stuffing it back inside of me.

Eventually the falling stopped and instead I felt nothing. I finally forced my hands to let my soul float away and then I was overwhelmed by complete darkness and silence.

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