#46: Contrition

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To say that Orochimaru was not a morning person would be a cruel understatement. The man despised the bright, sunny outdoors that others seemingly loved - his job mainly involved tending to sick animals in cool, damp, controlled environments and required little to no 'waking up at the crack of dawn.' That morning, the brooding dark-haired veteran sulked at the kitchen window as he sipped his coffee and watched his beloved pet curl up at his foot. "What isss it, my love? Are you ssstarving?"

The snake lifted its head in agreement before resting it against his foot. "What'sss on the menu for today, hm? Mice?" Orochimaru mused. The reptile recoiled itself and bared its fangs. "I'll take that as a yesss." Orochimaru had no doubt in his mind that this wonderful creature understood him. I wish I could replace every human on this planet with snakes. What a wonderful world that would be...

Well, every human except... wait, where is he?

As if on cue, the snake jerked its head towards the front door. Not even a second later, the door slammed open.

"Look who I found at the supermarket, Oro, " Kabuto exclaimed, walking in with two plastic bags filled to the brim with groceries. "It's Shisui and Izumi. Oh wait, what were your real names again?"

[Name] appeared behind him with two more bags. "I suppose we deserve that," she responded with an eye-roll. After her came Itachi who placed his own bags on the floor before closing the door behind him. Kabuto turned towards his partner. "They said they're just visiting, but a part of me thinks they're still on the run." He got no reply. "Is everything okay? I know I wasn't here when you woke up, but I left a note on the dresser that I needed to do some shopping." He gestured towards the bags. "Fortunately for me, I met these two and they agreed to help me carry the bags home."

"I don't remember agreeing to any such thing," [Name] voiced. "You practically shoved those bags in my hands."

"That's funny, because I remember you lying to us and pretending to be someone else because you were fugitives," Kabuto remarked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Itachi attempted to diffuse the tension. "And we are ever so grateful, Kabuto." He turned towards the other male. "It's nice to see you again, Orochimaru uh sir." His gaze fell on the reptile which lay on the ground, staring at him intently. "And you." He looked away. "How have you been, sir?"

Orochimaru hissed.

"So you're on a vacation of some sorts?"

Once the pleasantries were reluctantly exchanged, Kabuto had insisted that Itachi and [Name] stay for breakfast. Fortunately for them, the slithering mass of nope decided to skip on the reunion and chose to retreat into its corner.

"That's right," Itachi replied, shrinking under Orochimaru's stern gaze. "We've been travelling for two weeks now."

"Together?" Orochimaru propped his chin on his palm, carefully studying their expressions.

"Y-Yes." [Name] reached out and grabbed Itachi's hand. "We're together."


"I ship it!" Kabuto bellowed, placing some toast and butter on the table. "So where have you been so far?"

"We started out at Kirigakure to watch the Big Race," Itachi began, recalling his adventures. "And then Iwagakure to see some of the most beautiful sculptures and artwork I've ever seen." He cast [Name] a sideways glance before continuing, "But my personal favourite was the mountain trekking we did in Kumogakure. And then we decided to stop here."

"That sounds fascinating," Kabuto opined, grabbing a plate. "So where are you off to next?"

"Sunagakure for the kite festival, and then back to Konoha," [Name] answered.

Contrition [Itachi Uchiha x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now