#24: Conformance

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A very startled Kabuto Yakushi ran down the stairs only to find his new houseguest crouching behind the kitchen counter. "What happened?"

[Name] pointed straight ahead. He followed her line of sight and as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, said, "Oh, hey honey. I didn't know you were home."

When the lights came on, [Name] fully saw her object of fear - he was pale, had jet black hair that almost reached his hips and an altogether eldritch appearance.

"Is this our new guessst?" he enquired, receiving a nod from Kabuto. He then turned to the woman. "What isss your name?"

[Name] stood up from behind the counter. "Izumi. Kamishiro."  

He analyzed her appearance."You don't look like an Izumi."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" she asked, sounding more nervous than angry. Has he figured it out?

Orochimaru threw his hands in the air. "It was jussst a comment. Anyway, welcome. I believe it was Mister Kamishiro who I saw running out earlier."

[Name] suddenly remembered about the person responsible for her misadventure. "He's just a little..." Crazy.  "...tired."

Orochimaru didn't seem to mind. "I look forward to talking to you both tomorrow."

[Name] went back up the stairs, feeling two sets of eyes on her as she did. It wasn't until she sunk into the bed that she finally let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding.   

Itachi didn't come home that night. When he did return the following morning, he found [Name] packing her bags. "Hey."

She looked up from her suitcase before slamming it shut. "Hey."

"I can explain." His actions mimicked that of a gazelle upon seeing its predator - the classic 'be still and make no noise' move. "Can we talk?"

"Have you ever heard the phrase 'Happy wife, happy life', Itachi? I never really understood why they said that. But now you will." The death glare that came his way made him grimace. "You left me with those two... weirdos! Our cover might have been blown, thanks to you! Are you even worried about getting caught or am I doing the worrying for the both of us? If you're going to be reckless, by all means, go ahead. But in case you haven't noticed, you're not alone. You can't just think about yourself anymore."

Itachi inched closer, but still kept a safe distance from her in case she decided to pounce. "I know. You're right."

"Of course I am," she said, realizing that they were having a very typical domestic quarrel. At least we've got the fighting thing down.  

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "It won't happen again."

"Hell yeah, it won't happen again. Next time you storm out, don't bother coming back. Not even an ounce of gratitude, I swear..." Mumbling a string of curse words, [Name] pushed the suitcase under the bed. "What?"

He flashed her a smile. "I thought you were leaving."

The woman rolled her eyes. "Unlike you, I actually want to live. So if you'll excuse me." She was almost out the door when she turned around.

"I'm going downstairs to make breakfast. There are people who want to talk to you."

He nodded. "I'll be down in a minute."

Once she left, he found himself breaking into a smile. "Why can't you just say that you were worried about me?"


Itachi's meeting with the two landlords went infinitesimally better than [Name]'s earlier run-in. The boys hit it off instantly, much to the annoyance of the Kamishiro bride. At breakfast, they were told that Orochimaru was a vet with a special liking for snakes. Kabuto was a paramedic with a special liking for vets who liked snakes.  

"So what do you do, Miss?" Itachi had just finished telling them a funny tale about his law school days, when all eyes were on her.

"College professor," she said, earning an 'ooh' from Orochimaru.

"So how did you two meet?"

"Don't tell me she was your professor!" Kabuto exclaimed, nudging Itachi in the side as a sinister smirk appeared on his face. "How scandalous!"

[Name]'s brow twitched. "How old do you think I am, Mister Yakushi?"

That was everyone's cue to shut up. After breakfast, Itachi and [Name] found themselves alone in the house, the other two having left for their respective jobs.  

"Who leaves their house under the care of people they literally just met?" [Name] remarked as she shut the door. 

"Why?" came his reply. "Are you planning on robbing the place?"

She scoffed. "Yeah, and I'm starting with that." They looked towards the granite sculpture of a viper on the mantlepiece, its ruby red eyes glistening in the morning sun. A shiver ran down both their spines.

"I'm still waiting on that explanation," [Name] said, putting the dishes in the sink.

He sighed. "Are you asking as my counsellor or my wife?"

"Does it matter?"

"I had a bad dream." 

"See, I don't know if it's because I'm smart or something, but that much I figured. I guess that answers my question about whether you still dream about it."

"I had already answered that in the affirmative, Doctor," he spat. It disappointed him to see her so unsympathetic and cold. "It was right before you accused me of having multiple personality disorder. What's your diagnosis now? "

"It seems you have misunderstood me. I never said that you had a disorder, I simply implied that you weren't yourself when you killed your parents."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. If you tell me your dreams, maybe I can help you."

"Maybe I don't need your help." He turned around to leave, abandoning his resolve just as quickly when he felt something slither past him. "[Name]?" She ignored him. 

"[Name], did you see that?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" She kept her back to him.

"Don't...move..." he muttered, grabbing a ladle from the table. 

"Have you lost your-" she paused for a moment as she briefly glanced at the five foot long boa constrictor at her feet. Itachi crouched behind her, fearful yet poised to strike.

[Name] exhaled loudly. "I want a divorce."

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