#9: Confrontation

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Itachi Uchiha hummed to himself as he stacked cans of Pepsi on top of one another to form a pyramid. His supervisor Hiruzen Sarutobi lingered around him, keeping a watchful eye over him as he did. Ever since Itachi had begun working there, the other employees of Walmart had been extra vigilant. Not to mention, anxious. They went out of their way to stay out of his way. After all, it wasn't everyday that someone committed a double murder in a city like Konoha.

Itachi was well aware of his newfound popularity. From time to time, a random stranger would recognize him as he walked down the street or while he dined at a restaurant. He would almost always be met with a look of pure horror and disgust, followed by whispers and murmurs.

"That's him, isn't it?"

"It's that guy!"

But this didn't bother the Uchiha one bit.

Every day he would do the same menial job of stacking and re-stacking shelves at Walmart. It was the only job available, and he accepted almost instantaneously. Hiruzen Sarutobi was the only person who did not cringe at the very sound of Itachi's name. It didn't faze Itachi in the slightest to be working in a place where people were bound to recognize him. Instead, he thanked his lucky stars everyday for having spotted the HELP WANTED sign at the door.

He strolled down the aisle and towards the storeroom to fetch the latest shipment when the exasperating sound of metal hitting the ground reached his ears. Groaning, he turned around only to find a nervous young man standing amongst the scattered Pepsi cans with his hands over his ears.

"S-Sorry!" the man muttered as he scratched the back of his head. "I j-just wanted a Pepsi, ya know."

"That's alright. Could you please step aside while I re-arrange them?"

The man nodded before kneeling down to pick up the cans. "I'll help."

"That's not necessary, Sir," Itachi replied with a small smile. The young man obliged, allowing the Uchiha to do his job.

And then something clicked.

"It's you!" exclaimed the stranger, his azure eyes the size of saucepans. Itachi could do nothing but watch as the blond took a step back and pointed an accusing finger at him. "It's really you!"

Oh great! Another one. "Yes, I'm him."

"How are you- I knew you were- But I didn't know you- WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, ITACHI?"

Itachi knew what getting a job would require of him: endless patience and a calm exterior. But this particular man, he had to admit, was getting on his nerves. Trying his best to maintain his composure, he muttered a simple, "I work here".

"Does Sasuke know about this?" fired the stranger.

Sasuke? Itachi squinted his eyes as he studied the man, his lips set in a thin line. "I'm sorry, but do I know you?"

The man scoffed. "Of course, I didn't think you'd remember me. My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I used to be friends with your brother Sasuke. I used to come over to your house when I was little. Any of this ring a bell?"

It was Itachi's turn to be astounded. "Naruto?" This is the same bratty kid that Sasuke used to play with?

"I can't believe you're here... After all that you did!" Naruto bellowed, earning the attention of the other shoppers. "How could you come back here after what you did?"

"Naruto, calm down." Itachi glanced over at his disgruntled supervisor as he spoke. "You're making a scene."


"ITACHI, TAKE IT OUTSIDE!" Sarutobi ordered.

"Yes, Sir. Naruto, come with me." Itachi attempted to escort him out but he refused to move.

"You ruined everything! Do you know what you put him through? He'll never be the same again because of you! What do you have to say for yourself, huh?"

"Naruto, please-"

"Do you have any idea how miserable he was? How miserable you made him? And you just saunter back in here like it's nothing! Like all of a sudden it doesn't matter anymore? Do you expect people to just forget it ever happened and move on? What game are you playing, Itachi? You shouldn't be allowed into the city...you shouldn't be near people. You're a murderer! You'll always be a murderer!"


Itachi Uchiha was, for the first time in his life, utterly speechless. He had absolutely nothing to say to defend himself. How could he, when everything that Naruto had said was more or less true?

"You'll never be forgiven. Nothing will change. Just... stay away from all of us... " mumbled the blond as he exited the store.

During his days in prison, Itachi had often worried about his brother and how he was dealing with the loss of his family. He had managed to keep an eye on Sasuke for most part of his life with the help of a few acquaintances. He knew of the hatred that Sasuke had received and endured for simply being related to a criminal. Unfortunately, his brother had paid the price of his crime.

And that's when it hit him. No amount of regret could erase what he had done and how it had impacted those closest to him. The past was the one thing he could never run from no matter how hard he tried. The past would always be a part of him.

It was time to accept it.

He fished out his cellphone and placed it to his ear.

"Itachi?" The voice on the other end sounded perplexed. "Is something the matter?"

"I..." He realized that his hands were shaking. "...want to talk."

There was a short pause. "I have a class at one. Can I meet you after?"

"Please." He turned around and walked back to the storeroom, feeling at least a dozen eyes on him as he did.

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