#17: Conundrum

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"You can imagine my surprise when I got your call, Itachi. Needless to say, I got worried. I thought you were in trouble!" [Name] remarked, fishing her keys out of her pocket. She fumbled with them for a minute- the cast on her arm being a hindrance. A short while later, the door swung open. Itachi followed her in.

"Where would you like them?" he asked, gesturing towards her bags.

"Anywhere is fine. Thank you."

He set her belongings down on the table before turning towards her. "Have you eaten anything?"

"Not yet. I think I've got some Fruit Loops in the kitchen cabinet, so I'll be fine."

He rose an eyebrow at her answer. "That's not exactly what they call a balanced meal, [Name]. You need to eat better."

It was [Name]'s turn to be perplexed. "Okay, what do you really want, Itachi?"

"What makes you think that I have some ulterior motive for being here?"

"Because I haven't seen you do anything without reason," she stated, her toned laced with mischief.

"That's where you're wrong, [Name]. You think I'm some sort of a criminal mastermind. That's not true at all."

"So you genuinely want to help me?"


"Then tell me where you were the night of the shooting."

"I was with Shisui."

"And he would no doubt vouch for it. Now, where were you really?"

"I was with Shisui, [Name]. Why the doubt?"

"It's rather strange that you would go see a friend on the same night your parole officer was away. If Shisui Uchiha is really as harmless as he pretends to be, why didn't you meet with him in Officer Hoshigaki's presence? Also, why did you leave your apartment to go meet him? You could have simply asked him to visit you. Didn't you have express instructions to stay in? And why that night when literally the entire town was at the festival? It's just suspicious, that's all."

"I understand your concern, but I believe it was nothing more than a coincidence. Shisui called me and asked me to meet him near his place of work. He said he had seen Sasuke lingering around outside earlier that day with a bunch of delinquents. I just wanted to see for myself if he was safe. He is my brother after all."

"Oh? Speaking of Sasuke, how did the reconciliation go?"

"I'm...not sure. He was very unclear. Now, if you're done with the interrogation, I suggest you get into bed."

[Name] found herself smirking. "Aha! I knew you were being nice to me for some reason."

"T-That's not what I meant!" Itachi spluttered. "I mean, you need to rest. I'll go down to the store and buy you something worth eating. Now, give me your keys."

"Do you really expect me to give a convicted murderer slash suspect in my own shooting unrestricted access to my house?"

"Fair enough. I'll be back in a while."

He hadn't taken two steps towards the door when the doorbell rang. Baffled, he answered it. In the doorway stood a familiar face.


The Hoshigaki looked irked beyond measure but he seemed like he was doing his best not to show it.

"Can I come in?" he asked with gritted teeth.

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

[Name] gingerly approached the two. "Hello, Officer. Itachi drove me home as Hinata was unavailable. You know, my assistant. She-"

"[Name], are you okay?" he inquired, pushing Itachi aside.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

Kisame didn't reply. He simply took out his phone and dialed a number. Instantaneously, Itachi's phone began ringing.

"So...you have it. It was you."

"What are you talking about?"

The Hoshigaki turned away. "Arrest him."

In a flash, half a dozen of Konohagakure's police rushed in through the doorway and surrounded the Uchiha.

"Wait a minute, what's going on?"

Kisame stepped forward and placed an arm on [Name]'s shoulder. "I'm so sorry, [Name]. I know you tried to change him."

"What are you talking about? Why are you arresting him?"

Kisame sighed. "We traced his phone's GPS. He was there, [Name]. That night, he was at the festival. It was him."

"Huh-What? How can you be so sure?"

"Tell her yourself," he spat at the now handcuffed Itachi. The man kept his eyes to the ground and didn't even bother to struggle against the confinements.

"It's true, [Name]," he confessed, after a full minute. "It was me. I shot you." He couldn't bear to meet her gaze.

"Take him away!" Kisame commanded. The police proceeded to escort him out.

"I'm sorry," the Hoshigaki repeated, pained. "You did your best. But there are some things you can't change. Rest assured, Itachi Uchiha is going to prison for a long time. Maybe even for the rest of his life. He won't be bothering you anymore."

[Name] was awestruck. She searched her mind for every possible explanation, before finally admitting defeat. The man confessed. Itachi had indeed shot her. Why did she even expect otherwise?

"To be honest, Officer," she found herself saying. "I don't really know how I feel about that."

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