#43: Commencement

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Hinata Hyūga's fist came ramming against the door of Neji's residence in a nonsynchronous manner. A moment later, the occupant appeared before her with a frown on his face. "What the hell are you doing here this early?"

"Can I come in?" Hinata seethed through her teeth, pushing past her cousin without waiting for a reply. She was halfway across the living room when she spun around. "You did it, didn't you?"

"Did what?"

The woman clenched her jaw. "Danzō and Obito are dead."

Neji's eyes widened in shock. "What?"

"Don't play games with me, Neji," Hinata exclaimed, continuing in her stride. "I know it was you."

"Wait." Neji grabbed her forearm. "Let's sit down and talk about-" His voice was muffled by a series of noises emanating from a little ways down the hall.

"You have company over?" Hinata growled, slapping his arm away. "I cannot believe you. How do you even sleep at night? Which one is it this time, brother? One of those Instagram models? Or a stripper? Maybe both!" She proceeded in the direction of the sound. "You are utterly despica- [Name]?"

[Name] [Surname] seemed just as baffled by Hinata's presence. "Hey?"

The Hyūga siblings exchanged glances. "Well, I have to hand it to you, it's an improvement," the woman scoffed.

"It's not like that." Neji gestured towards the empty chair next to [Name]. "If the two of you can just sit down and listen to me... I can explain."

"Explain what, Neji?" Hinata voiced, irritated. "How you killed two people and made it look like an accident?"

A vein popped on Neji's temple. "Okay, I don't know what possessed the two of you to come banging on my door at seven a.m. on a Thursday morning, but if you expect to get anything at all from me, I need you both to shut the hell up. First of all, I don't need to explain myself to either of you. Second of all-"

"Excuse me, what?" Hinata roared, startling the others. "Like hell you don't need to explain yourself. In case you don't remember, I came running to you for help. I begged you, even. And what did you do? You slammed the door in my face! Oh, and afterwards you sent your lackey to spy on us, feed us false information and then disappear! You owe us a hell lot more than an explanation."

[Name] sank lower into her seat, unwilling to interfere in the family feud. She knew better than to butt in when Hinata was angry.

"I'm not the one you should be questioning, Hinata," Neji announced, leaning back in his chair. "She is."

"What are you talking about?" Hinata turned towards the other woman. "What is he talking about?"

"I'm not the one who has been secretly meeting with Obito," Neji added, nonchalantly.

[Name] sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I suppose that had to come up. The truth is... wait a minute, how did you know I -" Realization dawned on her as she gaze flickered between the two Hyūgas. "Did you bug my house?"

Neji rolled his eyes. "Not just your house. I bugged your car, your office, and anywhere else you might go."

"How could you-"

Hinata jumped out of her seat. "Woah, we did not agree to this! Are you spying on me too?"

"I did it for your safety," he retaliated, feeling the conversation turn unproductive. "Besides, I clearly wasn't the only one watching you."

It was Hinata's turn to be surprised. "What do you mean?"

"[Name], care to explain?"

The woman took a deep breath. "I was going to tell you this when I saw you later in the day. Last night, Obito came to my house. And among other things, he told me that he had been watching you and Naruto. To get back at Neji."

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