#39: Commentary

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Konan absolutely despised being the bearer of bad news. On the eve of her tenth birthday, she had lost her childhood friend Yahiko to a fatal car accident. She could do nothing but watch as the perpetrator effortlessly escaped the clutches of the law on some insignificant technicality. For weeks, all she received were mumbled I'm sorry's and He's in a better place's, that, to her, seemed utterly unconvincing; especially since pretty words could not get Yahiko the justice that he deserved. Ever since then, Konan had strived to be the best at what she did, living in constant fear of the day that she would have to stand in front of a set of hopeful eyes and utter the fateful words she had heard that rainy October morning...

"I'm sorry, but we don't have a strong enough case."

She entirely loathed what came next.

"I don't understand..." Itachi spoke after a moment of silence. "You told me you got Dr. Sasori to testify. If we can prove that the medical report was doctored..." He trailed off.

"I'm afraid it's still not enough, Itachi," Konan explained. The second the judge's gavel came pounding down on the desk, the crowd poured out of the courtroom, until only Konan, Itachi and the guards remained. "Don't get me wrong, Sasori's testimony is huge for our case. But you must know that he's not a credible witness. The second he testifies to having taken a bribe, Karui is going to discredit him. Once that happens, the jury won't have any reason to believe a word he says. After all, if he was bribed once... they're going to assume the absolute worst. The jury rarely ever acquits a person on the uncorroborated word of an untrustworthy witness. And considering how there's no definite way of ascertaining the veracity of his statement... After all, it has been ten years since the incident. I doubt the hospital would still have the blood sample from your preliminary medical examination, or any medical records whatsoever pertaining to you for that matter."

"So that's it then..." he remarked, painfully. "Allow me to express my gratitude for your time and effort, Konan. I appreciate all that you have done." I deserved none of it.

"Hold on, I didn't say it was over." She had a mischievous glint in her eye. "I simply told you that we don't have a strong enough case. That can change with just one witness... an eye witness."

Itachi pondered over her words before vehemently expressing his refusal. "No, you are not putting Shisui on the stand. We had an agreement."

Konan shifted in her seat. "Itachi, we're desperate. I know how you feel about involving Shisui, but if he can testify that you were intoxicated-"

"Absolutely not," he retaliated. "I need your assurance that you will not contact him."

Konan sighed. "Alright, I shall not contact Shisui furthermore."

Itachi narrowed his eyes at her peculiar choice of words. His suspicions were confirmed a moment later when a sharply dressed Shisui Uchiha sprinted into the room, earning stares from the other occupants. "I cannot believe..."

"Itachi! I've been worried sick, you idiot! What the hell is wrong with you? Why haven't you-"

As the two friends embraced, Konan began to feel slightly more optimistic about the case.

I hope I can give them what I couldn't give you, Yahiko.


"I do not approve of this."

"Oh grow up, Itachi. If I don't do this, you might go to prison for the rest of your life. How do you think that's going to make me feel?"

"So you're doing this out of guilt?"

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