Where the Pieces Fit

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Dawn came at last, but it was not a welcoming one. Dark clouds blocked out the sun; rain pouring nonstop. The coming day reflected how everyone felt. Within the audience hall of Kasugayama Castle, Irey's body laid completely lifeless. The warlords and goddesses all knelt by her side; melancholy overtaking them in a large wave. All around them, plants had begun to die. They wilted quickly, turning black so fast, it was surreal.

"What are we going to do now?" Yukimura spoke softly; his eyes unable to look away from the goddess lying in front of him.

Silence filled the room, for no one had a sure answer. Heaving a sigh, Iyari turned her head to face them. As the eldest of the gods, she was tasked with being a person of guidance—always having the answer. Though it was difficult, she promised that she would be a guiding light in her father's absence.

"We continue as planned and head to Azuchi to combine our forces."

"You mean to say that you still intend to fight?" Kenshin inquired, raising a brow.

"Yes. If we don't fight, we give up our souls to Shi and perish, just as she wants. I won't let her get away with destroying all living beings. Irey would've done anything in her power to stop her, so that means we must do the same. Besides, after this point, don't you find it a little personal as well?"

Her last words had been spoken out of spite. It widened eyes across the hall as she spit such hatred from her tongue. Being the purest entity of compassion, it was common of her to constantly speak in a tone that meant forgiveness and understanding. But for a moment there, she sounded like her polar opposite, Ikari.

They were silent as the Goddess of Compassion arose from her spot, taking a deep breath as a means to reestablish her composure.

"Wrap up her body and ready yourselves for departure. We leave today."

It wasn't long until the Uesugi-Takeda forces moved out towards Azuchi.

Meanwhile, back with the Oda Forces, Yoku, Ryoku, and Ikari all stood beneath the cherry blossom tree their youngest sister had planted and grown before her departure. Their expressions were stoic as they watched the tree trunk blacken, changing the blossoms with it. Even the grass they stood on adopted the same withering appearance.

"Hey. What's going on? What's happening to the tree?" The three goddesses had turned their heads; their eyes being met with Masamune, who'd posed the question, before acknowledging the rest of the Oda Forces' warlords.

"The earth, as well as Irey's tree, is dying." Ikari explained calmly.

"What?!" Mitsunari exclaimed. "Then does that mean—?"

"Shi got to her. Our sister is dead!" Ryoku dropped to her knees, covering her face as tears trickled down her cheeks. Yoku, though kneeling down to comfort her twin, was also sobbing uncontrollably. Ikari, being the eldest of the other two, tried to keep her composure. But even she couldn't keep a single tear from falling down her eye.

Dismay fell upon each of the warlords' faces as the news settled in with them. Not only had they lost a vital defense against the undead, but the goddesses had lost someone precious to them. They were overwhelmed with sorrow.

"In all my millennia of life, not once have I ever experienced such heartbreak. My spark of rage... it feels... extinguished."

As Ikari's head lowered out of pure despair, the color of her clothing had also started to change. It transitioned from a blood red to a soothing indigo. Yoku and Ryoku raised their brows at this, forgetting their tears momentarily.

Ikémen Sengoku: The Goddess of LifeWhere stories live. Discover now