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With the setting of the sun, the three travelers had arrived in Echigo. Irey's eyes widened with curiosity as she surveyed this foreign land.

"Shingen and Kenshin will want to see you immediately with the news you've brought." Sasuke informed her, glancing at the girl from over his shoulder.

"Yes. I'll speak with him right away."

They proceeded further into the village. But as they ventured onwards, the goddess couldn't help but feel that someone was watching her. Of course, her suspicion wasn't too far off. As her eyes glazed across the people on the ground, she noticed how entranced they were by just her mere image. Most whispered amongst each other, making her feel self-conscience. There were snippets her well-attuned ears were able to catch, such as, "strange warrior girl," "deity," and "beautiful rose."

The villagers thought she was surreal and a woman of divinity, being a good omen among their recent... tragedies.

But even amongst their awestruck thoughts, she could sense a darker mind among them. She could've sworn she'd seen a cloaked figure staring at her, but it was gone before she could find it again. Perhaps it was her imagination.

The group had finally passed through the gates; Irey gazing up at the magnificence of Kasugayama Castle. Men standing guard quickly approached Sasuke and Yukimura as the three of them dismounted the horses. Without saying a word, two of them led their stallions off to the stables.

"Welcome back, Lord Sasuke. Lord Yukimura. We hope the journey wasn't too rough and tiring." One of the men welcomed them back.

"Everything was fine. Are Lords Kenshin and Shingen available at the moment?" Yukimura inquired.

"Yes. They should be in the audience hall. A meeting just concluded there."

"Perfect. We have an important matter to discuss." The soldier raised an eyebrow, glancing over his broad shoulders.

"Who is this woman dressed in battle armor?"

"The important matter we need to discuss." Turning towards her, the Tiger of Kai's vassal offered his large and outstretched hand to the redheaded girl. "Shall we?" A warm smile touched his lips. It made her heart oddly skip a beat in her chest, but she took his hand anyways and followed him into the castle; Sasuke trailing behind.

As the three of them navigated Kasugayama Castle, Irey couldn't help but let her eyes go astray as they darted throughout the halls. It was strangely refreshing for her to be somewhere new. But it also reminded her how much she missed the other warlords. She wondered if they were faring well. She didn't have much longer to look around before Yukimura suddenly stopped walking.

"Lord Kenshin? Lord Shingen? We're coming in."

Not leaving them a moment to answer, he slid the door open and stepped inside, dragging Irey in with him. At the other end of the audience hall, two men turned their heads in slight surprise.

"Yuki." The man with auburn hair stepped forward; his expression stoic until he glanced down at their hands. A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips and he walked closer. "Yukiiiii." He purred. "I had no idea you were bringing a woman home with you. Though, I must admit, she has an odd sense of style."

"Mm—" Suddenly realizing what he was implying, the bashful man released her hand. "That's not what she's here for, my lord." Though addressing him with a title, there was sheer annoyance in his voice. The redheaded girl stepped forward now; a bright light shimmering off her eyes.

"You are the Lords Shingen and Kenshin?"

"We are." The man in front of her coyly took her hand in his, placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "But a beautiful rose like you only has to call me Shingen."

Ikémen Sengoku: The Goddess of LifeWhere stories live. Discover now