Your Guide to the Sengoku Period

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Since there are a number of characters in this story, names and such might become confusing. So here's your personal guide to stuff n' things!! :) You don't really need to read the descriptions, but I thought they'd be cute.

Goddesses of Emotion:

Goddess of Life, Light, and Prosperity — Irey (EE-REY)
The main character of this story who strongly believes in living with a world of balance. Though Irey and Shi are twin sisters, Irey is the youngest of the two, making her the youngest out of all their sisters. Her aura of charisma and ability to feel all sensible emotions leads her to become easily loved by everyone she meets. She is the most powerful of her siblings.

Goddess of Death, Darkness, and Misfortune — Shi (SHEE)
The main antagonist of the story who is greatly jealous of her twin sister. Unlike Irey, Shi finds it hard to feel any emotion. Because of this, she is constantly stone cold and distant, leading her to be less favored by her sisters. The only one who finds her fascinating is Irey.

Goddess of Rage and War — Ikari (EE-KAHR-EE)
A total hothead, Ikari embraces her title as the Goddess of Rage and War. Though her impatience and intolerance for anyone is a con to her personality, she has a strong sense of care for her siblings. She especially has a soft spot for Irey, finding that she easily bends to her word. She finds excitement in the idea of blood and war. Though complete opposites, she and Iyari are twins; Ikari being the second oldest.

Goddess of Avarice and Thievery — Yoku (YOH-KOO)
Wrapped up in believing everything is hers, Yoku can't help but getting her hands on anything she finds of value to her. Though it is a hard trait to control, Irey is able to sooth her greed-crazy moods by calling back her composure. Though possessing a lack of willpower, she is twins with Ryoku.

Goddess of Fear and Battle Strategy — Osore (OH-SOH-REY)
You'll constantly find this goddess with an intense scowl on her face. She hates the emotion she represents, for she also loses control when participating in it. It drives her into a state of madness and causes her to inflict her power onto people mercilessly. But with Irey, she finds that she is able to smile and keep her powers in check. The Goddess of Life is probably the only one who can make her loosen up.

Goddess of Willpower and The Hunt — Ryoku (REE-YOH-KOO)
With an unbreakable will, Ryoku prides herself in standing for justice without falling in battle. Though she is a goddess, she doesn't mind getting her hands dirty to do what is right. Matter of fact, she actually prefers it. She usually took Irey and Shi down to earth to experience mortal life. She is twins with Yoku.

Goddess of Hope and Strength — Kibo (KEE-BOH)
Kibo is the third oldest. She acts on a sense of wisdom and her powers usually boost Ryoku's. If in a serious battle, Kibo and Ryoku are usually seen fighting together since willpower is fueled by hope. She introduced her knowledgable ideals and morals to Irey and Shi. Unlike Shi, Irey embraced them with gratitude and open arms.

Goddess of Compassion and Wisdom — Iyari (EE-YAHR-EE)
The eldest of the goddesses, Iyari is wise and level-headed. She is just and kind, but quite often isolates herself from the rest of her sisters. She finds that solitude helps her think and understand things better, though she is fully capable in a case of urgency. She taught Irey and Shi about the importance of being observant. She is twins with Ikari.

Goddess of Love and Match-Making — Ai (self-explanatory)
A hopeless romantic, Ai is the Sengoku Period's Cupid. She is able to predict when someone falls in love, who is in love with who, or what person is destined to fall in love with who. She can even force two people together or lean them towards each other if they are feeling timid. She adores the idea of love, and Irey just as equally.

The Goddesses of Emotion tend to lean towards Irey the most since their powers make up her entire being. She feels connected to their spectrum of emotions, while Shi feels no connection whatsoever. She feels next to nothing.

Oda Forces:

Nobunaga Oda
A powerful and calculating warlord who aims to unify Japan under his rule. He is firm and unyielding with his beliefs. He is feared as an unfeeling demon by most.

Masamune Date
A warrior who loves a good thrill as much as a good battle. He strongly believes it's his duty to live a life worthy of the title of military commander. He's a free spirit and naturally drawn to anything that interests him.

Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Nobunaga's retainer. Due to his helpful and caring manner, he is popular with everyone he meets; especially ladies. He is fiercely loyal to Nobunaga.

Ieyasu Tokugawa
An ambitious warrior who has formed an alliance with Nobunaga. He is determined, studious, and competitive, and has no time for anyone he deems as weak.

Mitsuhide Akechi
Nobunaga's right-hand man, a warrior shrouded in mystery. Hideyoshi actively distrusts him, and some say he has been meeting his lord's opposers in secret. While he is aware of these rumors, he doesn't seem to care.

Mitsunari Ishida
Hideyoshi's brilliant aide who excels at strategizing. His kind demeanor and effortless sensuality makes him very appealing to women. He becomes so immersed in analyzing wars tactics that he forgets to look after himself.

Uesugi-Takeda Forces:

Kenshin Uesugi
Called "The God of War" due to his thirst for battle, his natural charisma has gained him many followers. He has a strong sense of duty and always keeps his promises.

Shingen Takeda
A warrior known to many as "The Tiger of Kai." He seeks to restore power back to the Takeda family. Open and accepting to his vassals, he is equally cold to his enemies. He's a known lady-killer with mature tastes and a sweet tooth.

Yukimura Sanada
A man who seeks revenge against Nobunaga. He is a devoted follower of Shingen Takeda, who he met when he was young. Though brash and assertive, he can be very awkward.

Sasuke Sarutobi
Transported from the future by a wormhole, Sasuke Sarutobi was a post-graduate physics major turned ninja. He saves Kenshin Uesugi from certain death and is close friends with Yukimura Sanada. Though he is allied with the Uesugi-Takeda Forces, his morals set him apart from the rest.

Unaffiliated Enemies:

A monk who holds deep resentment for Nobunaga. There is no end to the lengths he would go to exact his revenge. Though he knows it's a futile act, he always clasps his hands in prayer after offing an opponent.

Motonari Mouri
A prideful pirate whose forte is mischief. He's known as a trickster among warlords. He loves having fun, especially when he's busy blowing things up or ruining enemy plans. As carefree as he seems, he's actually quite a clever warlord and uses brute force to get what he wants. He's the strongest warlord of Western Japan, often famed to have been a worthy challenge for even Nobunaga.

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