Her Memory

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Azuchi Castle erupted into chaos at the news of the undead marching their way. Soldiers were arming themselves, preparing for the worst. The warlords barked vicious orders, sending their troops into the village and stationing them in the most advantageous locations. The goddesses carried their sister's corpse into the garden, setting her beneath the cherry blossom tree she'd grown with sheer willpower. Their hearts beat with a sort of melancholy as they slowly removed the blanket from atop her body; their eyes watering at the sight of her.

She looked as though she were sleeping peacefully, though the veins along her skin were still black with poison.

They took a moment to remember their little sister's shimmering smile, feeling hopeful that they would see it again. Kibo, feeling a burst of determination, stroked Irey's cheek before turning to the rest of her siblings.

"Go to the audience hall. War council is about to begin soon." Nodding, the goddesses complied, silently stalking back into the castle. Now, tilting her head up, the Goddess of Hope eyed the tenshu from where she stood.

Nobunaga stood before a mirror in his room, tying up the last strings of his black plated armor. As a final touch, he threw his haori coat over the broadness of his shoulders, picking his sword up and unsheathing the blade slightly, staring at his reflection in the glistening steel. A thud sounded behind him, but he hadn't even bothered to turn around.

"Nobunaga." It was only when his name was called when he turned. Kibo stood in his balcony. "We're ready to start the council."

"Very well. I shall be down momentarily." The white haired woman turned to leave, when she stopped for a moment, hugging her arms close to her chest.

"Nobunaga...?" His crimson red eyes narrowed in her direction, though he said nothing. "I hope you know that my sisters and I appreciate everything that you've done. For us and for Irey's sake. We don't know what we would've done without Azuchi as our safe haven. So thank you." And just as quickly as she'd arrived, she hopped over the balcony's railing and left.

The reflection in his eyes suddenly changed as melancholy dared to corrupt them. His thoughts lingered on the Goddess of Life, for he tried his absolute hardest to remember the bright smile she always kept on her lips, as well as the flickering boldness in her irises. He recalled their many moments together.


"You're too close."

The amusement on his features wavered, changing into a sense of surprise. But it didn't last long. It immediately returned, almost mocking her.

"No woman has ever spoken to me with such impudence. I can certainly see flames in you. Flames that burn brighter than your crimson hair. Do you have any idea who I am, little star?"

"Not at all. But from what I've seen so far, I can assume you're probably a pervert."


Tension hovered in the air as she now faced Nobunaga, walking towards him. She stopped about two feet away; the warlord bracing for a slap to the face. But instead, she bent at the waist, bowing low to him.

"Forgive me. I went too far."


The warlords cautiously stepped closely to the tree, gazing up at its luminescent branches. And high above, at the very top, was the Goddess of Life sitting in a thick branch. She smiled at them, waving.

Ikémen Sengoku: The Goddess of LifeWhere stories live. Discover now