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Electricity sparked across Irey's eyes as they began to glow a bright, vibrant white. The ground rumbled as her sister's eyes widened. Shi stared down at her twin, whose many rings also burned with a sense of power. The wound across her abdomen sealed itself up; the poison easily escaping her body. And then, rather suddenly, the girl lying in the dirt grabbed her sister's ankle fiercely, moving it so that she could directly catch her gaze. Fear marked her expression; the yellow ring reacting to the newly felt emotion. Those glowing white eyes were the same ones that blasted her across the open field; her body steaming from the hot beams she was hit with.

She'd hardly gotten to her knees before Irey came charging straight towards her, punching her across the face. Shi tumbled for miles, but the Goddess of Life didn't stop there. She flew quicker than her sister rolled, giving her a blow that sent her back where she had come. This time, the girl clad in black shot into her own army, shattering them into useless bones.

"Ugh..." The Goddess of Death groaned, holding her head. But her eyes quickly widened when Irey grabbed her by the neck, running her along the grassy plains all while tearing her army apart piece by piece. Eventually having enough, the death god grabbed her twin's wrist, kicking her in the abdomen. She flew through the air, landing before the warlords.

"Irey!" Nobunaga was the first to run to her, reaching his hand out to touch her. "Are you alright?" But before he could, she twisted her neck in their direction fiercely; her expression seething with rage. He froze where he stood; the other men doing the same. They'd never seen so much blistering fury and bloodlust on her face before. All they'd ever truly known was her sadness and her smile. But this look on her face... it was inhumane, and they feared it immensely. The red ring on her finger pulsed and white flames began to overtake her body.

The men felt what heat the flickering embers gave off from where they stood, stepping back to avoid the scorching warmth. Her hair had begun to levitate alongside the fire that accompanied it. Drawing her attention away from them, she eyed the skeletal warriors just waiting to be obliterated into dust. There was no hesitation as she took off towards them; her chest skipping a heartbeat at how quickly she'd gone. She tore through each and every one of them—without kindness. Without mercy. There was no humanity left in her as her body became completely enveloped by flames.

Now a woman completely bathed in white fire soared among them, fighting their enemies like an animal. Or perhaps... a fully developed god.

Even through the shattered bones, they could see the pulse of the former rage goddess's ring. With all the emotions in the palm of her hand, it was easy to say that she felt that one the most. Of course, it was justified that she felt it. But now, it appeared that it was overtaking her. The men suddenly remembered what Kibo had said during what seemed like forever ago when Iyari transitioned from compassion to rage.

"This is not good. Being newly exposed to rage is dangerous."

Her words seemed to echo as they passed through their memories. In a burst of white light, the Goddess of Life sent the undead surrounding her outwards in a vast explosion. The wind started to pick up, spiraling around her small body. Now all of the rings burned along her fingers; the power clearly too much, even for her.

The warlords rushed across the open field, venturing dangerously close to her spiteful tornado.

"Irey!" Yukimura called. "You have to stop!"

The only response they'd gotten out of her was a frustrated scream; the tornado spinning even faster. Due to their proximity, they'd eventually been swept up. The men spiraled along with the forceful winds, but they were determined to get through to her. They used their bodies to guide themselves towards the goddess. Motonari just happened to be the first to reach. He stretched his arm out, latching onto her shoulder. It was hot, burning the skin on his hand. But he refused to let go.

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