The Oda Forces

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"Hideyoshi. Ieyasu. Masamune." Nobunaga raised an eyebrow, surveying his vassal and the group he'd brought behind him.

"Pardon us, my lord. The Star Woman had just awoken and insisted on seeing you."

"Did she now?" He couldn't hide that devilish smirk that seemed to crawl onto his lips. He eyed Irey with a sense of hunger; like a predator looking upon its prey before pouncing. "Come forward."

The goddess looked about the warlords at either side of her, but they'd all traced their gazes back to her. She pointed to herself questioningly, and the man nodded. Eyes wide and curious, she took a few steps forward, stopping only when she was at least two feet away from Nobunaga.

"Come on, now. Don't be shy." He was the one to close the distance between them; his hand reaching out to grab her by the chin. He tilted her head up for her so that their eyes were forced to meet. "Hm..."

She hardly breathed as he took this time to survey her; almost as if he were memorizing every feature of her face. He ran his slender fingers through her rosy red locks, admiring its bright color. Then he lingered on her silver irises, almost as if he were searching for something.

"Tell me..." He began; playfulness in his tone. "Why is it that you wanted to see me?"

"I..." Her heart was beating so hard, she could feel it in her ears. "Wanted to express my gratitude for your hospitality."

"Is that right?"

"Yes it is. You offered me nourishment; it is only justified."

"Nothing more?" He leaned in closer, if that was even possible. Was this man a pervert? He certainly wasn't making a good first impression on her. She placed a hand on his chest and pushed him a foot away, gently smacking his hand from her face.

"You're too close."

The amusement on his features wavered, changing into a sense of surprise. But it didn't last long. It immediately returned, almost mocking her.

"No woman has ever spoken to me with such impudence. I can certainly see flames in you. Flames that burn brighter than your crimson hair. Do you have any idea who I am, little star?"

"Not at all. But from what I've seen so far, I can assume you're probably a pervert."

A thunderous laugh sounded from his lips, but the rest of the warlords appeared on different levels of astonishment from her words and actions. They almost feared what he would say, but she held her head high in the face of this warlord.

Finally, he said, "I am Nobunaga Oda, Devil King of the Sixth Heaven. And you..." With the flick of his wrist, he opened an iron fan he'd pulled straight out of the pocket in his kimono, flapping a gentle breeze onto his face. "Are you not a star?"

She hadn't expected a peculiar question such as that to flutter its way to the surface. She didn't exactly know how to answer.

"A star...? What exactly do you mean?"

"It's quite an obvious observation. A couple nights ago, my men and I were surveying one of our camps not too far from enemy territory, when all of a sudden, a flash of light sparks across the sky and lands in an open field. Of course, it peaked our interests." He'd begun to circle her; a frown pressing between her brows. "We'd never seen a star fall from the sky before, so we all wanted to look at it first before anyone else could. But lo and behold, instead of finding a shining light of sorts, we find you." He leaned closer to her ear as he spoke this; a scheming grin marking his lips. "Tell me how we can't think you're some sort of star."

"You're right. My landing did make it look like I was a star, but... I'm not. My name is Irey. I'm the Goddess of Life." Her words were without hesitation.

Gasps and murmurs erupted about the room as Nobunaga finished taking his lap around her. His features no longer displayed his coy personality. His eyes had dulled; a single eyebrow raising itself. His lips were pursed like he was trying to depict whether or not she were telling the truth.

"That claim is rather bold." Everyone in the room turned their heads as they caught sight of the man with snow white hair; a nasty glimmer in his eyes that matched the challenging smirk on his lips.

"You think so, Mitsuhide?" Nobunaga inquired. Her lips parted slightly. What exactly was he playing at?

"Mhm." He nodded. "I'd believe she's a star. She fell from the heavens in a flash of light. But a goddess? Mmm... I'm not entirely sure. I mean, being the Goddess of Life should come with an unprecedented resilience. If anything, she should've come to earth with an image of nobility. But how do we find her?" Her features dulled, for she knew that his next words would be harsh. And though he knew he was being cruel, the grin remained painted on his lips. "Lying in a pit of her own defeat." He spoke slow, hoping that the poison in his words would seep under her skin. But her composure was like a sturdy wall, protecting her personal feelings from his harshness.

"So you doubt that I'm who I claim to be." It wasn't much of a question; more so a statement. Either way, none of them dared to respond. But she knew their answers. "Alright." She turned to Nobunaga now; a new light shimmering in her silver irises. "Then let me prove myself. Let me show you that I am strong and that I am who I say I am."

"And what do you propose?" The Devil King raised an eyebrow.

"I'll take you all on at once and best you."

"How interesting." He smiled a challenging smile.

"You want us to fight a girl?" Ieyasu grumbled.

"I think it'll be fun to fight a goddess." Masamune maliciously grinned.

"I don't know, my lord. I worry that someone might get hurt. Please reconsider." The silver-haired man dressed in purple tried to plead with his lord. His compassion had caught Irey's attention; curiosity coruscating her irises.

"There's nothing to worry about, Mitsunari. Besides, what sort of warlords would we be if we couldn't even accept a challenge from a woman? We will battle you in the training hall. But first, we'll give you time to adjust your outfit for however you see fit to move."

"My lord, if I may..." Mitsunari stepped forward. "I'd like to accompany her back to her quarters so she won't get lost."

"Very well. I'll allow it."

"Once again," She began; her gaze locking with Nobunaga's, "I thank you for your hospitality." She spat.

Ikémen Sengoku: The Goddess of LifeWhere stories live. Discover now