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"Thought I might find you here."

Wheein looks up in surprise, fingers pausing from where they were scratching the top of Ggomo's little head. The kitten lets out a cute but indignant meow at the sudden stop to his pets, rubbing his head against Wheein's hand to encourage her to continue scratching. "Who- Taehyung!"

"Hi," he grins and waves, albeit a bit nervously. A lot of probably much more important things happened the night before, but in the back of his mind, Taehyung couldn't help but wonder why Wheein didn't so much as make an appearance at the tavern all night. Has he been reading all the signs wrong? Perhaps she isn't actually interested in him, and is simply accepting all his advances to be polite. The three from last night never really did answer his question about whether or not she was romantically involved with them, what with Seokjin hyung interrupting his question by laughing and mocking him for the rest of the night. "I, uh, I didn't see you... yesterday."

Wheein cocks her head in confusion. "Didn't we spend most of the day yesterday together? Remember, I showed you around town and-"

"I mean- I meant at night," Taehyung corrects himself. "At the tavern. I- I didn't do anything to offend you or anything, did I?"

Wheein blinks, before bursting out into a fit of giggles. Ggomo seems to realize that Taehyung has her thoroughly distracted and that he will not get his head scratches anymore, choosing to instead hop out of Wheein's lap in favor of going over to Taehyung and rubbing his little furry body up against Taehyung's ankles. Taehyung indulges the Scottish Fold kitten, picking the little guy up and scratching behind his ears. Ggomo purrs and chirps happily in his hold, and for just a second, Taehyung's dog-loving heart can't help but think cats aren't all too bad.

"No, no, it wasn't you," Wheein finally manages as she catches her breath from laughing. "I, uh, something else came up, so I was unable to go last night. I didn't keep you waiting, did I?"

"No! No, of course not," Taehyung scratches at the back of his head with the hand that isn't holding Ggomo in embarrassment. He most certainly didn't stay an hour after the rest of his crew had left last night waiting for her to show up. He was just... staying behind to enjoy the performances a little longer. You're whipped is what you are. Seokjin's last words to him before they parted ways last night echo in his mind. "I was just uh... we met Namjoon's sister yesterday! Her name was, um..."

"Yongsun," Wheein helpfully supplies for him.

"Yeah! Yongsun, wait-" Taehyung's brow knits in confusion. "How did you find out she was Namjoon's sister?"

"I-" Wheein looks flustered for a moment, before sputtering out an answer. "I live together with Yongsun. She, uh, she filled me back in when she came back last night."

"Oh! That's- that's cool," is all Taehyung can choke out, panic flooding his veins. Holy shit, did Yongsun tell Wheein about his question yesterday? Oh god, she probably thinks he's a creep. "What else did she tell you?"

Wheein pauses to think for a moment, before shrugging. "I don't really remember much else, I was pretty shocked just finding out she had a brother after knowing her all these years."

Taehyung can't help but let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding in. It seems his embarrassing infatuation is still a secret for now. "Yeah, I think just about everyone in that room last night was shocked to say the least. I've- I've known Namjoon for so long, and he's never told one of us, never even hinted at the fact that he joined us to search for his sister, let alone had a sister. It's just- do you think he didn't trust us enough to tell us? Because of what we are?"

"He's a pirate too," Wheein points out. "And you all seem quite close, almost like brothers. It's not a matter of trust, he just seems like the type to bear all of the weight of something like that himself to not be a burden to you guys. Or perhaps he didn't have a right time to tell you all, and by the time you all became close, it was too late."

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