Chapter 15

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Chapter 15.............the minutes that tick bye

To say I was nervous was an understatement. Terrified would be considerably more accurate if I was telling the truth. I myself had laid so many expectations on this date it was ridiculous. It was me who decided that this date would solely decide my future with Will. I was looking for a sign to stay or maybe an excuse to run. I know it sounds pathetic but I was scared of everything Will awoken in me. It should be simple....pick the guy you like. Pretty basic except that meant taking a leap of faith I wasn't sure I could make. All the scaring and baggage I took from my marriage and the affairs had changed my view on the happiness I could acquire and keep. It's amazing how someone else's actions could make you feel so less deserving.

To make things worse Will wouldn't tell me where we were going so I had no idea how to dress. For that matter even what to expect from a date with a man like Will. For a good hour I sat aimlessly on my bed staring at my closet thinking of all the women I had seen draped over Wills arm. I didn't own a single outfit that compared to what they wore. Frustrated I settled on black jacket, a red shirt and black skirt that had the same red swirled through it. Curling my hair in loose ringlets I decided to leave it down as I applied my makeup. Looking in the mirror I wasn't terribly happy but it was what it was. With a sigh I grabbed my hand bag and went downstairs.

"Wow mom you look beautiful. I thought you and Will were just going for a coffee?" Kayla whistled.

"We are, I just hate feeling underdressed next to the man in the designer suit." Kayla gave me a weird look but thankfully didn't bother to ask any further.

When I herd a vehicle door close as sad as it is to admit it I peeked through the curtains. Just the sight of Will strolling up the sidewalk made my pulse race and my hands shake a little. Swallowing hard I let go of the curtains and tried to collect myself as the girls answered the door. Regan was reminding Will of her dance performance next weekend as I walked around the patrician. Wills eyes instantly swung to mine and cascaded down my body. Instantly I felt panicked and underdressed. For a moment I contemplated racing back upstairs and changing.

"We had better get going," Will smiled at Regan as he tossed her hair. "I'll be at your performance. I would miss it for the world."

My legs were so shaky I wished I had worn flatter shoes. With my luck I was positive I was going to trip and do a face plant. "Are you ok?" Will raised his eyebrows at me questioningly.

"No I'm fine," even my voice sounded shy and shaky. Clearing my throat I aimed for a little more confidence. "I just wish you would have told me where we were going. Then I would have known how to dress."

"You could have came dressed in a potato sack and I would still think you were beautiful." Will took a deep breath as he opened the passenger side door. "Trust me you look lovely" his voice low and raspy "Beautiful."

As his words swirled through my brain I had to remind myself to breathe. When Will turned on the charm a poor girl didn't stand a chance. While Will walked around to the drivers side of the Land Rover I kept reminding myself that this was just a date and I was the one in control over and over again.I guessed all sorts of places as we drove through the city. With each guess Will simply shook his head and laughed. Confused I watched at we neared and passed the city limits. It wasn't until we turned off the highway and approach a big metal arch with a sign that read Sky Adventures.

"Hot air balloons?" Spinning in my seat I looked at Will in disbelief, "I don't know.....I'm kind of scared of heights and being that far up in a basket is going to freak me out."

Will didn't say a word to me as he parked and got out. When he opened my door I tried to plead with him again. "Seriously Will I don't mean to be a party pooper and spoil the date but I can't do this. You know I don't like heights."

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