Preview Love Me

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Get out of MY HOUSE you son of a bitch" I screamed. "GET OUT!"

In a fit of rage I grabbed the sterling silver frame picture that contained our wedding photo in it. Pausing to look at it made me feel retched and physically ill. Not entirely sure of what took over me I whipped it at Kaiden's head as hard as I could. Ducking it missed his head by a fraction of an inch. Hitting the wall behind him it dropped to the floor shattering in thousands of tiny shards.

"Nadine are you crazy?" Pivoting on his he'll Kaiden glancing behind him at the slight pin point hole in the wall I just made and the shattered glass upon the floor. "I was hoping we could talk about this like grown adults."

"I'm sorry excuse me what? You can't actually be fucking serious." Scrubbing my face with my hands I could feel the tears pricking the back of my eyes. It was one of my downfalls, I was an emotional cryer. Every time I felt my emotions ride high wether it be stress, anger, fear or anything I could never contain myself. "Adult? There is nothing adult about this!"

Giving me an impatient look las if he was dealing with one of our kids Kaiden calmly spoke. "We need to talk about the kids and what happens next."

Outraged by Kaiden's level of calm I exploded this time throwing the ceramic statue of the two lovers he had given me for our anniversary but not three months earlier. Once again he ducked as the statue wiped past his head meeting the same doom as the picture frame. "Fuck you I'll show you calm my ass. You think you have seen crazy. Well guess what you lying cheating son of a bitch I hope you get a STD from the whore. Now GET OUT!"

Kaiden eyes squinted in anger as he chewed on his bottom lip. Shaking his head in resignation Kaiden pointed towards the stairs. "Clearly there is no getting through to you so let me go pack somethings."

"Oh my god Kaiden just get out I'm so done looking at you I can't take anymore. You can come back tomorrow for your shit. Jesus christ will you just go already." I was beginning to shake from the strength it took not to cry.

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