Chapter 13

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Chapter 13..........please sign here

I had spent over half the night laying awake thinking about what both Brad and Will had said. I tossed and turned without finding any answers. Brad was angry and drunk but none the less he did have some valid points. Will on the other hand seemed to have all the right answers. To know exactly what to say. Maybe he was just playing my heart strings and leading me where he wanted. It wouldn't be the first time Will had pulled me in close only to shove me away the next day. Besides I had to control my over active mind and not just jump to conclusions. We both had significant others and at no point did Will actually say the words....I want a relationship with you.

Still this didn't stop me from making sure my makeup was perfect. That my hair was pulled up exactly how I knew Will liked it. Even my shirt was just a little more revealing as my skirt rode slightly higher than normal. It didn't stop the butterflies that summer salted in my stomach all the way to work and up the elevator. Excitement tingled all the way through my body as if I walked on pins and needles.

Only to die with a dull thud when I got to my desk. Will wasn't in his office or the office floor at all. Silently I hoped he was in one of the other offices or perhaps just running late. Any lingering hope I had disappeared when I turned my computer on to see he had cancelled all his morning appointments. That son of a bitch....he did it to me again.

"If you will just come to Wills office I need you to sign your contracts so the position is finalized." Looking up blankly I saw some faceless lawyer standing before me.

So I fallowed him while I tried to swallow what was remaining of my shattered pride. All I could do was think about what a fool I had been. The lawyers words were little more than a muffled sound off in the distance. Every so often he would stop talking and point to where he wanted me to sign. Returning to my desk I felt humbled and lost. With a lack lustre ethic I began my morning routine and started to reschedule this mornings cancelled appointments.

It was nearly eleven by the time Will walked through the doors. To my dismay he walked right past me without a seconds glance. No hello....absolutely nothing. When I stepped into his office at noon to tell him I was going for lunch he couldn't even be bothered to answer me. No instead he kept his eyes on his paperwork and simply nodded. It's not like I thought I would leave him speechless or anything like that. It's just that...well I wanted him to notice me. To notice how good I looked and not ignore me.

Since my bubble was officially burst I went and grabbed Rory for our usual lunch date. "Well well isn't someone looking hot today."

It was petty and childish but I snickered anyways, "At least someone noticed."

Raising her eyebrows at me Rory dropped her voice to the lowest register she could make it go. "Lucy you have some explaining to do."

"You are a dumb ass" I laughed taking a bite from my apple. "I dressed up to catch Wills attention but he didn't even notice."

All joking aside I knew I had Rory's full attention, "Ok slow up. Your going to have to take a few steps back and explain."

"When I got home last night Brad was drunk and waiting for me. Will laid him off." Rory had stopped chewing and was staring at me. "I know I was shocked too. He said he the reason he was let go of was because of me. That the only reason I got promoted to Wills assistant was because Will wanted in my pants."

"I hope you corrected his ignorant drunk ass." Rory looked at me impatiently. "You know what? Screw that I hope you slapped the shit out of him."

"No but I did go over to Wills to confront him and find out the truth." Leaning back against the bench I gazed into the sun. "That's where it gets complicated."

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