Chapter 11

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Chapter 11.........there you are

Doing a mental check list for the third time I was finally satisfied I had packed the essentials. The trick was not to forget anything but bring the fewest amount of bags. All that was left now was to wait for Will. Without fail he showed up promptly at four o'clock. I could help but wonder to myself quietly if the man ever had a bad hair day or a bad anything else for that matter. Weather he was dressed in one of his designer suits or casual he always looked incredibly hot. Today as I tried not to openly drool as he was wearing a brown shirt that hinted to the muscles beneath and a dark pair of blue jeans the hugged his ass perfectly. Not to mention the leather jacket was the icing on the cake.

"Do I look funny or something," Will asked giving me a confused look.

Crap he caught me drooling, "No I was just doing a mental check list to make sure I had everything." It was a plausible lie. Besides even tho I had a boyfriend it was ok to window shop as long as I didn't touch the merchandise. Like I said Will was dam hard not to notice.

It occurred to me that it had been a long time since I had rode in the Land Rover and I missed it. The way the seats cradled you to the point you felt like you were floating on a cloud as Will drove. The new car smell that never seemed to fade away. Soft notes of classical music that seemed to drift in waves through the vehicle. Tapping me on the shoulder Will drew my attention back from my daydream. He motioned towards the back with a smile gracing his lips. When I looked the twins were already sleeping and just the way their hands were laying it appeared as if they were holding each other's hands. Grabbing my phone I snapped a quick picture.

Anytime I had gone through the airport it always seemed to be hectic. A race to the finish line so to speak. With Will however it seemed to be an easy one two three step. As long as you didn't mind the air attendants flirting with him. Even tho Will was no longer mine this was still a source of aggravation for me. A mosquito bite that you knew you should stop scratching but you do until it bleeds. Although I had to hand it to Will as he just simply ignored all their advances without any recognition. The rumours of how in love he was with his girlfriend must in deed be fact. It was hard to admit but I was jealous.

For the nearly two hour flight Will kept his nose buried in his lab top. I on the other hand didn't care and was fully enjoying the shit out of first class. When we landed a driver with a limo was waiting and before I knew it I was in the lobby of the Elysian. While I waited for Will to check us in I glanced about the spacious upscale lobby. There was no question when Will traveled he spared no expense.

When we got to the rooms Will handed me our key card and disappeared into his room without saying much. Now I say room lightly as they were more like mini lofts with a main living area and three bedrooms. Naturally the girls dodged about saying wow look at this and wow look at that. Once they were certain they had discovered all the cool features of the room the very next concern was how fast they could get to the pool. They were very adapt swimmers but without a life guard I asked the nanny to accompany them. Over the next few hours I fed the twins and took the opportunity to review all the merger files. I knew nothing was missing, all signifiers were there, everything was in precise order but I be dam I was not making a mistake. This was my chance to prove myself.

When the girls finally came back up we all went for supper. "Hey mom," Kayla paused at Wills room door, "Shouldn't we see if Will wants to come?"

Taking her by the hand I tucked her under my arm herding her towards the elevator doors. "No not tonight. Maybe tomorrow." I didn't have a clue what Wills plans were for the evening. The itinerary didn't start until tomorrow. For all I knew he was working, or meeting up with someone or had also flown his girlfriend out.

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