Chapter 1

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Authors Note:

Book #1 The Trouble With
Book #2 Trouble With Us
Book #3 Trouble With This

Chapter 1....on the verge

Here I was on the verge of starting my new life.

It had been a month and a half since I moved out of Wills and I felt in powered and independent. I was back in the drivers seat of my own destiny and I loved it. Pedal down flooring it all the way. Things had worked out the way they should have. Everything was copacetic and had settled into a natural flow.

The twins had come home from the hospital a few weeks after the girls and I had moved into the house. Surprisingly enough Will and I were doing reasonably well with the co parenting. One week they would stay with me for four days and Will for three. The fallowing week I had the three days and Will the four. We had hired a nanny and she travelled back and forth with the twins so we could both still work full time.

I was surprised but glad when Will had even offered to take the girls on a few of the weekends. Will may have all but cut me out of his life but at least he hadn't done that with Kayla or Regan. Weather it be for the best or worst I hadn't seen Will since the last day at the hospital. One of his henchman usually drove them back and forth.

Now your probably thinking I am rather calm about everything now. In truth I'm not. In fact I'm far from fine. Thoughts of Will still rattle and roll through my head constantly. I miss and long for him in the quiet of the night. Sometimes it's heart retching to look at the twins and see so much of Will in them.

The thing of it is you can't make someone like you no matter how hard you wish it. Will had made it perfectly clear by his actions or lack there of that he had absolutely no interest in me. There was nothing more I could say or do to change that fact. Besides I had heard the whispers from friends behind my back that I was never meant to hear. Will had not only hooked up with both of those nurses but he didn't stop there. He was fully back and playing the field.

So rather than focus on the things I had lost I was choosing instead to look at what I had gained. My job promotion for one was going excellent. I seemed to be fitting in and Mr. Romeo had told me he was impressed on more than one occasion. While I missed spending my days at the front desk with Rory I had to admit being an assistant was pretty freaken awesome. The girls were doing amazing at their schools so no complaints there. My neighbours were pretty cool and were around my age with kids similar to the girls. I saw an abundance of Rory and Vanessa again which I loved. All in all life was pretty good. I just needed to go buy some crazy glue and try to put my broken heart together.

I was just leaving work after a long day when my replacement at the front desk called out to me, "Excuse me Dee the phone is for you." Placing her hand over the phone she whispered, "Its an Vanessa Gavins."

Reaching out I took the phone and cradled it against my ear, "Hey girl what's up?"

"Can you do me the hugest favour in the world for me today. I mean the kind of favour that if you have ever considered me a friend you won't say no." Vanessa said in a giant rush.

Trying to decide if she was just being dramatic or actually serious I cringed as I asked, "And pray tell what is this favour you need so badly."

This time I heard her breath in just before she once again started talking at her land speed record. "Ok so tonight Mac has this hugely important business dinner that he has to go to. All the men are bringing their wives and he actually asked me to go. This is a really big deal to me."

Pausing she took another deep breath. "I was on my way to the dry-cleaners when my car broke down. It was closed by the time I got there and they have my coat and dress that I was suppose to be wearing" With one final gulp of air she finished , " Can I borrow you black dress with your white jacket?"

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