Chapter 2

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Chapter 2......taking the high road

"I'm only going to ask you one last time, please come." These were the words Rory said to me when I got to work, over lunch and now again at the end of the day.

"How many times am I going to have to tell you no before you get sick of hearing it?" I implored.

"I'm not," she said hoisting her nose up in the air like a princess. "Please, please come."

I stopped leaning against the front of the reception disk while I looked for my keys. "You know why I can't. Now go grab your coat so we can get going."

Spinning around on her chair Rory began shutting down the computers. "How long are you going to let Will hold you back. It's time you showed him your doing fine."

"Ok even if I went I don't have a date and I'm not about to show up alone." Finally after nearly dumping my whole bag I found my keys.

"I'll be your date," Brads voice startled me as it drifted from behind.

"See Brad will be your date so what's your excuse now." Rory beamed from ear to ear.

Looking over my shoulder into Brads hazel green eyes I smiled politely, "Pay no attention to Rory's mouth. It has this habit of running away from itself."

"Hey now don't be mean like that. It's completely uncalled for and you know it." Grabbing her coat Rory completely ignored me. "It's a friends surprise birthday. Are you interested?"

I glared at Rory as she pushed the subject. "I'm fine Brad I honestly just don't want to go."

As soon as Rory went to open her mouth again I held up my hand. Brad chuckled as he reached over the counter grabbing a pen and one of his business cards. Writing his number on the back of it he slid it across the counter, "Should you change your mind and want to go or we can do something else. Give me a call sometime."

Grabbing his brief case Brad wondered towards the front doors. He was barley out of ear shot when I snapped at Rory, "I can't believe you just did that!"

She glanced up briefly from buttoning her coat, "Your coming now to Macs party right?"

I stood there with my mouth open gaping at her. Grabbing my bag and my keys I started towards the lobby entrance. From behind me Rory called out, "Hey where are you going?"

"I'm leaving your ass what does it look like?" Grabbing the front door I left the building and was nearly half way across the parking lot when Rory caught up. "Oh come on Dee don't be a spoiled sport."

Unlocking the car doors I looked at her from across the car, "Seriously Rory I don't want to talk about it anymore. I said no now please leave it at that."

In silence we left the parking lot and headed in the direction of Rory's house. "Ok I get it I honestly do. You fell in love with Will and he proved to be one of the biggest asshole womanizer that has ever walked the face of the earth. That bull shit with the nurses was straight up ignorant. I know your not over him but even if it's a lie wouldn't you like to show him your fine. That you have moved on. Don't give him the power to know he can still hurt you."

I watched the traffic whirl by as I looked for an opening for us to sneak in. God I hated rush hour in downtown Manhattan on a Friday. That's why I usually took the train. "I just don't think I could see him. Talk to him. Besides he has gone out of his way to avoid me since the last day at the hospital."

"Ok so nobody said you had to talk to him. You could always stay on the opposite side of the room. You don't even have to acknowledge him. It's just hard with Mac, Will and Chad all becoming friends when you and Will can't even be in the same room. We always have to debate which of you to ask. Always trying to make sure you two don't cross paths. " Rory mumbled as she looked out the window.

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