The Double Date.

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Hiiiiii. New update, gonna update again right after this so thank you for reading i love you <333456

*Mari’s POV*

It was almost 7 and Harry and Zayn were gonna pick up Megan and I at our flat. We dressed casual, I was wearing a light pink tank top, black skinny jeans, and black Jeffery Campbell Litas. Megan was wearing a black button up shirt, tan shorts with leopard print pocket poking out, and black heels with spikes on the heel. I was waiting for Megan to finish up, she was curling her hair, while I just left mine in a messy yet cute high bun. “C’mon Meg!” I shout at her. “Well I’m sorry not all of us are born with naturally wavy hair like you, Mari!” she yelled back. I laughed at her comment and the door bell rang. “They’re here, Megan!” I told her and stood up to open the door. I opened the door and Zayn and Harry stood there looking handsome. Zayn greeted me with a kiss and I gave Harry a hug. I offered for them to enter inside and told them Megan was just finishing doing her hair. They sat down in the living room and I offered them what we had left in the refrigerator. “You guys want some cold pizza, a half drank can of pepsi, warm water, or a week old salad?” I say giving an awkward smile. They laughed and refused my offers. “Meg, we really need to go to the market to look like good hostesses!” I shout at Meg. Harry and Zayn laughed, “You’re in charge of market needs, I’m the one that supplies the cute clothes! And I’ll be ready in 2 minutes!” I walked over next to Zayn drinking the rest of my pepsi and turning on the TV to Spongebob. “Oh my, God I love this episode!” Harry said a little too excited. It was the episode where Sandy gets home sick. “Me too! I know the whole I wanna go home song!” I join in with Harry’s excitement. “Me too!” Harry and Zayn say in unison. We all high five and Sandy is just about to sing. “Wish I was back in Texas, the oceans no place for a squirrel.” we all sang horribly, it’s funny because I’m with two international popstars. “Wish I was in Texas, prettiest place in the world, oh no.” We continued and Megan walked in the living room with her perfect curls. “Is this the episode-” we cut her off by our singing and she joined it. “I guess deep in my heart, I’ll always be a texas girl.” She sat down next to Harry and we all sang again. “I wanna go hoooommmmme hommmme oh oh” We all stopped and laughed. “I reckon we should get going.” Harry said checking his clock. We all stood up and Harry offered Megan his arm and Zayn held my hand and we walked over to Harry’s Range Rover.

Harry was driving and Megan in the passenger seat while Zayn and I cuddled in the back. We pulled into the diner Harry picked out and it wasn’t too fancy, just a little. Harry opened the door for Megan and Zayn did the same for me. We sat in a booth in the back of the diner, Harry and Megan on one side and Zayn and I on the other. Harry ordered burgers and french fries. “I swear, it’s a bit odd but their burgers are the best burgers I have ever had.” Harry said. We laugh at him and he and Megan chatted up to get to know each other while Zayn and I did the same. He told me stories about being on tour and I told him stories of my childhood. “When I was four, I was eating pineapples with my fingers and I went to go plug in the fan in the outlet and I got electrocuted.” I whisper quietly to him so Megan and Harry didn’t hear. He laughed hysterically making Megan and Harry look confusingly at us. I covered his mouth with hand telling him to be quiet. “I have the burnt spots on my fingers still.” I showed him my left hand and pointed out the little black spots on my thumb, pointer, and middle finger. He caressed them gently and placed a kiss on each finger individually.

The waitress brought over our burgers, fries, and drinks and we thanked her. I’m not gonna lie those burgers were delicious! “Oh my, God Harry these are sooo good.” I say extending the o’s on so. Zayn and Megan nodded their heads not saying a word but just enjoying their burgers. I stuffed my face with the burger not even worrying about looking like a pig because it was good! Zayn stared at me while I was eating, I caught his glance and he laughed at me. I covered my mouth trying to chew, “What?” I asked with my mouth full of burger. He smiled at me with his gorgeous smile of his, “Nothing. It’s just you’re the first girl that I’ve been with that isn’t afraid to eat like Niall in front of me.” he explained. “Oh.” I say a little embarrassed and swallowing the rest of my burger. “No, not like that! It’s cute, you’re different from other girls I like it.” he said then kissed my temple which made my cheeks tint deep red. He leaned forward for a kiss but I stopped him by placing a fry in my mouth. He laughed under his breath, “I know I said it’s cute when you eat but not when I want a kiss.” He said startling me with a kiss, I gladly kissed him back and pulled away. “Here quiff, have a fry.” I say placing a fry in his mouth. We were interrupted when Megan bursted out laughing. “What’s so funny?” I asked leaning onto Zayn’s arm. Megan settled down her laughter and replied, “You know when people tell a bad joke and you laugh at how bad it is?” Zayn and I nod, “That’s exactly what Harry did.” she continues laughing. “What was the joke?” Zayn asked. “Okay, why did the baboon say to the giraffe, ‘why the long face?’”  and I looked puzzled. “Because he thought his neck was his face!” I shook my head at his horrible joke and Zayn laughed. “That was such a bad joke, Haz.” Zayn said still laughing. “It always makes me laugh!” Harry protested. Megan giggled as he pouted and kissed his cheek. They hit it off! I don’t have to worry about Harry anymore, I can now focus on Zayn and I because that’s all I really want.

*Harry’s POV*

I have to admit, I was a bit worried about this date. Megan being a super fan and worried about her just wanting to date Harry from One Direction, and Mari being their with Zayn. But I didn’t have to, Megan liked me for me and laughed at my stupid jokes. I really like her, I’m glad I agreed to this double date because now I don’t feel jealous of Mari and Zayn anymore. I’m taking out Megan out again tomorrow after she finished her shift. I can’t thank Mari enough.

*Mari’s POV*

Megan and I tried persuading Harry and Zayn for us to split the bill but they insisted on paying. Harry then drove us home to our flat. The car ride was comfortable then the radio station started playing a familiar tune. Harry and Zayn laughed while Megan started singing, “You’re insecure, don’t know what for.” Harry grabbed her hand and kissed it so she could calm down. “I have to deal with this everyday now, boys.” I explain to them my daily life with her waking me up singing their songs. Harry laughs and Megan blushes she looked back at me and gave me a deadly stare, like if I don’t stop talking she’ll kill me in my sleep. I laugh at her and cuddle onto Zayn who’s already half asleep. I kiss his cheek and fall lean onto his arm. I quickly look over to Megan and Harry who are holding hands as he drives, adorable.

We finally get to our flat and Zayn walks me up to our flat while Harry stays with Megan by the elevator. In the elevator it played music, “I love this song!” I said looking at Zayn then smiled at my feet. Zayn laughed at me and started to sing quietly, “I don’t mind spending everyday, out on your corner in the pouring rain.” he then pulled me in so we were slow dancing. My arms wrapped around his neck his on my lower back. “Look for the girl with the broken smile, ask her if she wants to stay awhile.” he continued and I rested my head on his chest, I joined him in the singing, “and she will be loved, and she will be loved.” I could just stay in this moment forever, I totally forgot about that we were in an elevator, the bell dinged and the doors opened and my 50-year-old neighbor, Mrs. Weller was standing outside. “Hi, Mrs. Weller!” I greet her pulling away from Zayn as fast as I could, “What are you doing outside this time of the evening?” She walked in the elevator and replied, “Hello, sweetheart! Is this your boyfriend? He’s very handsome.” Zayn and I blushed, “Yes, Mrs. Weller he is and I know he’s handsome.” I said sweetly and kissed Zayn’s cheek. We stepped out of the elevator, “Bye, Mrs. Weller. Say hi to Alvin for me!” I said looking back to the elevator and wave at her. She was such an angel, when she baked cookies she’d always come over to the flat and give them to us, or if Megan and I were sick she’d bring over her famous home-made chicken noodle soup. She was the best neighbor ever.

I stuck the key in the slot and opened the door. I turned back to Zayn and he was looking straight at me, “Thank you for a wonderful date.” I said wrapping my arms around his neck. “Thank you for a wonderful date.” he mimicked me and placed his hands on my lower back. I smirked at him and kissed him gently and I smiled in the middle of the kiss. “I love it when you do that.” he says leaning his forehead against mine. “Do what?” I asked confused. “Smile in between our kisses. It’s.. cute.” he explained kissing me in between it’s and cute. “You should probably get going. Harry’s waiting for you.” came out of my mouth but I didn’t mean a word I said, I wanted him to stay a little longer, stay forever if he could. “I guess you’re right..” he replied looking at his shoes. I lifted his chin and looked straight into his deep hazel eyes, “See you soon, quiff.” I whisper to him and kiss him goodnight. That kiss had to seem like forever but it was just a couple seconds. He walked down and took the stairs, he kept looking back at me  waving and blowing kisses. A bit cliche but once it happens to you, it’s no longer cliche. I’m just glad I got a keeper.

* Zayn’s POV*

I couldn’t help it, I had to keep looking back at Mari to wave or blow kisses. I didn’t wanna leave but I knew if I didn’t Harry would be angry with me. Walking down stairs and looking back at Mari was a lot more complex than I thought, I almost tripped! Hopefully she didn’t see that. I walked over to Harry’s car. He could see him smiling through the windshield. I opened the car door and got in. “You look extremely happy, mate.” I said patting his back, “I reckon you had a great date.” He laughed at me, “That rhymed. And yes, you reckon right. Megan’s a great girl and I know I’m going to see more of her.” He fixed the rear view mirror, “I don’t know, man. There’s just something about her I really like that I just can’t explain.” he smiled at himself making a sharp u turn. “I know how you feel, mate.” I reply back to him playing with my fingers, “I know how you feel, mate.”

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