Home Sweet Home.

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Hiiiii :) new chapter. If you're reading my fanfic I love you and thank you so much, and I love you. Like a lot. 

* Zayn’s POV*

They boys and I are heading down to Sweden to record some new songs for the next album today! I was excited, this time we were writing some songs instead of others writing it for them. Louis even asked Mari if she could tag along because we have an extra ticket up for grabs. She said she couldn’t because of her job and she really couldn’t miss any days. I was a bit bummed that she couldn’t go but it meant I had more focus into the songs.

We arrived to the studio and stood by the balcony to greet some fans, a few flashed us which wasn’t a bit of a surprise anymore. We stepped into the studio and said hello to the producer and Savan. Liam, first verse man, was first to record some vocals. Harry and I were outside just fooling around with nerf guns while Niall and Louis were in hall shooting each other. I decided to ask Harry why he lied yesterday. “Harry?” I called for him. “Yes?” he asked slouching down on the couch shooting the dart in the air. 

“You said Louis told you to check up me and Mari yesterday, right?”


“Well, I texted him telling him that he didn’t have to check up on Mari and I but he said he didn’t tell you to check up on us, what’s up with that?”

“Uh.. well, maybe I read the text wrong. Sorry for ruining the date, man.”

“Oh, okay.” He had a little sigh of relief and I shot a dart at him eventually leading into a battle. Maybe he did read the text wrong. Whatever.

*Mari’s POV*

Louis, Zayn, and the rest of the boys went to Sweden for the day to record their album, they asked if I wanted to tag along because of their extra ticket but I couldn’t. I had to get money, and to get the money I had to work for it. I was the only one of my friends who hasn’t rose enough money for the ticket yet and I need it! I worked until 9 and I headed on home. I was about to start my car then my phone rang, it was my mum.

“Hi mum!”

“Hey baby. Can you babysit Will for the night? I got called for the late shift.”

“Sure, mum! I just finished my shift at Starbucks, I’ll be over in about 30 minutes.”

“Thanks, love. Love you.”

“Love you more.”

I haven’t spend a night over at my old house since New Years, I was happy I get to go back. I miss home so much. I just had to go back to my flat to grab some clothes and I’ll be back home.

Luckily, I found my old key to my house and I got in without bothering my mom from getting ready. “Mum, I’m here!” I yell for her.

“Marrrriii!” my little 7 year old brother, Will, called for me with his arms wide open. “Willykins!” I yell back at him and tackle him with a hug. “How’s my favorite guy in the world been?” He flashed me a smile exposing the gap in his front tooth and ran away to watch more television. I laughed at his cuteness and sat down on the couch to join him. “Hey Mari! Thank you for coming on short notice.” my mum said rushing all of her things in her purse. “Anytime, mum.” I reply with my eyes still glued to the tele. She waved goodbye to us and before she walked out of the house her head popped up, “Oh and Mari, Louis and the boys are at his house. You can call him over if you want. Bye, love you both!” She closed the door and I jumped up. “Let’s go, Will. We’re walking over to Louis’!” I saw grabbed him and propping him on my back.

Lou’s house was right across the street so it wasn’t much of a work out walk. I placed Lou and I’s knock we’d always do to signal our parents or each other that we were behind the door. Lou seemed to notice the knock because I heard him yell from the living room, “That’s Mar and I’s knock!” it made me laugh and he opened the door. “Mar!” he yelled and kissed my cheek before pulling me into a bear hug. “Hey Will! Long time no see, you’ve gotten big!” Lou said squatting down to his knees and ruffling through Will’s hair. He giggled to himself and held his Buzz Lightyear action figure to his chest. I scanned Lou’s house and the boys were all on the couch watching a thriller movie and  and Niall were at the kitchen eating sandwiches. Zayn quickly looked at me a a smile emerged on his face. He stood up and walked next to Louis at the door to give me a kiss on the cheek and a long hug. “I was wondering if you and the boys wanted to come over and help me babysit Will? We could rent a movie and just chill, please?” I asked with the irresistible puppy dog eyes that Lou always falls for. Lou and Zayn laughed at me and nodded at each other. “Sounds great!” Louis said to me then turned to the boys, “Lads! We’re spending the night at Mar’s house and keep her company!” Liam and Niall seemed excited and up for it while Harry just shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his banana.

From the Moon and Back (Zayn Malik Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora