The Truth Comes Out.

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sorry didn't update :( school has been a pain in my ass. but here's the next chapter! and thank you to those who are reading and who've become a fan. i love you <3

*Louis’ POV*

We all finally woke up and Mar was gone. Zayn said she went to the market to get some Lucky Charms, but she’s taking rather long. I noticed mustaches and unibrows drawn on the boys faces, except Harry. He was snickering in the corner and I knew that this was his masterpiece. “Nice joke, Harry. Boys, look in the mirror.” We all headed to the nearest mirror and laughed at our ridiculous faces. “Styles, you’re gonna get it!” Liam said and we all bolted towards him, even Will, and tackled him tickling him to death. He surrendered by putting his hands in the air and we all flopped on the couch. The boys and I were telling Will about our fun times on tour and all the marvelous places we’ve been to and the house phone startled us. “I’ll get it! I know how to answer it.” Will said jumping off the couch and over to the kitchen counter. “Sanchez residence, may I ask who’s calling?” We all laughed at his adorableness, “No, my mommy’s at work... Yeah, here lady talk to Louis.” I was confused, who was on the phone? Will handed me the phone. “Hello?” I say in a confused tone.

“Hello. This is Park Hill Hospital, are you a legal guardian of Mariel Anna Sanchez?”

“No, but she is my best friend. Why, what happened to her?”

“Well, sir she was in a fatal car accident and we were just calling so you could come down.”

“Oh my god, alright. We’ll be down there as soon as possible, thank you for calling.”

Without even telling the boys what happened I immediately dialed Mar’s mum to tell her what happened to Mar then I picked up Will and we headed towards the car. “C’mon, boys. We’re going to the hospital.” I said keeping my eyes directly at the car. “The hospital?!” Zayn yelled, “Why? What happened to Mari?!” “I’ll tell you in the car, we got no time to stall right now.” We walked as fast as we could towards my driveway and to my car. “What happened to Mari?” Will asked leaning forward in his seat. “She got in a car accident, bud. She’ll be fine though, I promise you.” I smiled at him reassuring him.

We got to the hospital and I ran to the reception lady, “Hello, we’re here to see Mariel Sanchez?” She nodded and looked at the clipboard in front of her.

“She’s over in 317.” She directed us, we immediately bolt for the stairs, since the elevator would take rather long, and went to the third floor. “315, 316, 317!” I count off quietly to myself and ran into Mar’s room. She laid in the hospital bed with monitors hooked onto her, she didn’t move a muscle. It brought a tear to slowly stream down my face and Zayn’s as well. We all then proceeded to walk towards her bed. I sat down in the empty chair next to her and held her hand gently. “Oh, Mar.” I whispered to her. Zayn patted my shoulder in comfort, “She’ll be fine, mate. She’s a fighter.” he encouraged me. I smirked a little trying to hold back my tears. Will then came to my right side and stared at his unconscious sister, tears forming in his eyes. I scooted him towards her and placed his hand in hers. “I’m so sorry, Mari. Please wake up.” Will’s voice starting to crack and the tears beginning to be visible in the bed sheets. I pulled him in for a hug, a warm hug and said, “Let’s go get some apple juice in the cafeteria, how does that sound?” He nodded wiping away the tears with the back of his palm. “Lads care to join us?” The lads nodded all followed out the door. “You guys go ahead, bring me back one though! I’ll keep an eye on Mari just incase she wakes up.” Harry said sitting down in the seat next to Mar. I knew he felt something for her but , I gave him a strange look but he didn’t catch it so I shrugged and we all went to the cafeteria.

*Mari’s POV*

I was trapped, trapped in my own body. I can’t open my eyes but I can hear everything. I tried moving my body, no such luck. I guess i can just depend on my hearing. I can hear the monitor beeping and people conversing in the hallway. I even heard a loud sigh next to me. Who was in the room with me? Louis? Zayn? Maybe Mum or Will? All of a sudden ginormous hands held my left hand. “Mari, I don’t think you can hear me but it’s Harry. All the boys are here, even Will. Lou called your mum and she’s on her way right now.” Harry? Why was he in my room? “The boys and Will went to go get apple juice because Will couldn’t stand seeing you like this.” he went on. Poor Will, it wasn’t his fault. It was mine for my reckless driving. “I just want you to know that I’m jealous of Zayn, I’m jealous that he gets to be the lucky one to hold you and be lovey dovey with you. I wish that was me, Mari! I do. But I can’t do anything about it, you seem happy with Zayn and if he’s what you want then I’ll be happy for you. I just wanted to let you know, conscious or not conscious how I feel for you.” I felt a tear drip on my arm as he was pouring his emotions out to me. I felt horrible, Harry Styles just poured out his emotions about me! It made my heart fly. No. I can’t feel like this, I’m happy with Zayn, I’m happy with Zayn, right? Of course I am! It wouldn’t be fair to either one of them to choose, I can’t do anything about it now because I heard every word Harry said, I can’t just push it in the back of my head all the wonderful things he said. Dammit! They’re both amazing, but Zayn was sweet and charming since the day I met him, Harry on the other hand couldn’t keep his eyes from checking me out. Maybe I could hook up Harry with Megan, they’d have fun together. 

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