The Date.

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Helloooooooo :) wrote chapter two because I wanted it up already. And if you read my fanfic and you like it please comment or something :( I like support and I'm not mean. But enjoyyyyyy :)

*Mari’s POV*

It was 2:45 and it was almost my break. I told Megan about last night how they walked in and she almost freaked out, she was a major One Direction fan and loathed me when she found out I was Louis Tomlinson’s best friend. We made conversation then I heard the service bell ring. I walked over to the cash register and didn’t even look up, “May I help you?” I ask setting up the register. “Yes, can I have a venti mocha frap and about 12 minutes to pick up a girl for our date.” I looked up and saw Zayn. I smiled at him and didn’t charge him for the drink. I held my index to him signaling him to wait and pointed over to the table with two seats. He walked over to the table and waited for me patiently. I brought over his drink and sat at the chair across from him. “You’re early.” I say handing him his drink. “At least I wasn’t late.” He said with a chuckle, 

“So where would you like to go for food?”

“How about we just get some bagels and scones and sit outside?”

“Sounds great!” We both got up and headed outside. 

We sat by the fountain just across from Starbucks and chatted. He told me about his childhood and about Bradford, “Bradford’s the type of place that you needed to know how to fight to survive.” He lifted up his shirt a bit to reveal a scar by his left hip. I gasped, “What happened?” I asked with concern in my voice. “Well, I got stabbed.” his voice trailed off. Sympathy was deep in my eyes as I looked at him, I reeled him in for a warm hug. “I’m glad your fine right now.” I said to him as I rested my chin on his shoulder. We pulled apart and he smirked, “So tell me about you, your childhood, how you and Louis met and how you guys got so close. I wanna know the real Mari.” He said trying to change the subject to happiness. I fixed my bangs, “Well, my full name isn’t Mari Sanchez, it’s Mariel Anna Sanchez. I don’t like to be called Mariel so everyone calls me Mari. Louis was always the only one who called me Mar and if anyone else did he’d get mad.” I laugh remembering. Zayn seemed to be listening to every word I was saying so I continued telling him about my childhood, “Louis and I met when we were toddlers. He lived across the street from me and we met by the little pond at the end of our street. We’ve been best friends ever since and the pond was our little place we’d always go to. He’s the big brother I’ve always wanted.” I said smiling and took a small bite of my bagel.

We talked for for about another thirty minutes, “My break ends in like 10 minutes, I should probably get back.” I stood up but Zayn pulled me back down, “No! Stay for a couple more minutes, I like your company.” I smiled at him. “Hi guys!” a familiar voice shouted towards us. We looked to see who it was and we say Harry with his arm in the air waving at us. I waved awkwardly back at him and glanced over to Zayn who was just as confused as I was. “What are you doing here, mate?” Zayn asked him with a little bit of annoyance in his tone. “Lou told me to check up on you guys so here I am! Ooh, scones!” he explained and sat right in the middle of us and took a bite out of the cold scone. “Harry?” I call for him, “we’re kind of on a date. Could you like tell Lou that we’re perfectly fine and we don’t need a watch guy.” I push him off of the fountain but he caught himself and accidentally fell backwards into the fountain! Zayn and I both exploded into laughter. “Oh yeah? Why don’t you guys join me!” Harry yells as he grabs ahold of my hand and Zayn’s too pulling us into the fountain with him. “Oh my, god Harry Styles!” I yell as I stood up drenched in water. Harry laughed at us, so I splashed water at him and he returned the favor. Harry recognized Zayn not getting splashed and he splashed him too.

“Hey! Get our of that fountain now!” The mean security guard yelled at us. We quickly got out of the fountain leaving water trails till we got outside of Starbucks. We laughed at the moment then I realized I couldn’t go to work like this! I opened the door and Megan made eye contact with me, I called her over. “Meg, I need to go get some dry clothes at our flat, Harry decided to pull me in the fountain.” I told her. “Is he outside with you?!” she whispered excitedly but the boys heard her and giggled. I nodded and pulled her outside. “Zayn, Harry this is Megan. Megan this is well you know.” she didn’t speak for a while. “H-h-hi nice to m-meet you guy. I’m a huge f-fan!” She stuttered out. They laughed at her and shook her hand since they were soaking wet and didn’t wanna get her wet. They even signed her phone case for her. “I’ll tell Ben what happened and cover your shift for a while! Go get dry clothes!” She yells at me scooting me towards my car. I mouth thank you to her and headed to my car. Harry and Zayn followed me and I hugged them both goodbye. “Thanks for today, Zayn. Here you go.” I slipped him my phone number and he squeezed it in his hand smiling. Harry looked irritated by the way he pretended that he just didn’t see what happened. “And Harry thanks for pulling us in the fountain.” I say hitting his shoulder. He held his shoulder rubbing away the pain and just smiled at me with his famous crooked smile. I got in my car and they stepped onto the sidewalk. I tried speeding as fast as the speed limit took me to get dry clothes and go back to work!

* Zayn’s POV*

Harry and I watched as she drove off in her car. When her car was not visible to see anymore I took a quick glance at the paper she slid me. I got her number. I can talk to her whenever now, maybe I can even take her out for  a real date now. “My car’s over there, I don’t think you wanna walk.” Harry said pointing over to the range rover.  I shrug and we both walk over to his car. The car ride back all I did was think about was how amazing Mari is until Harry had to come and push us in the fountain. Why did Louis even send him to check on us? Was he really that protective of her? I should text him. “Hey Lou :) you know you didn’t have to send Harry to check on Mari and I. We were fine don’t worry about it. c ya soon.” I pressed the send button and Harry dropped me off to my flat. “Thanks, mate.” I thanked him as I got out of his car and he drove away. My phone vibrated and Lou replied, “I didn’t send Harry to do anything.. water you talking about, mate?” I was confused, that’s what Harry said. “Lou told me to check up on you guys” that’s exactly what he said. Harry honked his horn at me as he drove away, a puzzled look was readable on my facial expression but I waved bye. I didn’t wanna get into anything so I just stepped into my flat and sleep. I loved sleep.

*Harry’s POV*

I was not going to let Zayn have a good date with Mari. I mean, I don’t want him to win the girl so I decided to go over to the Starbucks Mari works at to see if they were at their date. I told them Louis sent me to check up on them, I lied. I just wanted to make sure their date didn’t go perfect. Hopefully it worked.

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