The end of Me & Ush ? The start of Me & Jay ?

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Beyonce's Pov

I woke up sore in pain , dried up blood everywhere. I tried getting out of bed and i fell to the ground crying in pain. I guess i was in worse condition then i thought i was. Jay came running up stairs , '' Bey are you ok? What happened? ' I tried getting out of bed and i fell to the ground , yet again trying to get up but i fell back to the ground. " Bey you have to take it slow you are still sore. ' I know but i wanted to use the bathroom. " But you cant did it by yourself why didn't you call me. ' Because i was going to take a shower " Ok and i could have helped you ' But i didnt want you to help me " Well you can't do it by yourself so lets go. Jay picks me up and puts me on the bed. He goes to the bathroom and runs the water , runs downstairs gets my favorite soap , runs back upstairs puts some in the bath. Waits till the bath is nice and warm and half way filled to the top. He comes back in the run takes off my clothes bites his lip looks at me up and down which i find sexy , he picks me up and walks to the bathroom. Places me in his huge tub nice and slow. He gets a sponge and dips it in the bath and brushes it on my body. Jay goes to the sink and turns on the hot water and puts the sponge in the sink and twists a little bit of the water out and comes back on brushes it on my hair which is very curly and long he keeps doing that without saying a word. He gets some soap and start cleaning me from my legs and up and it felt great i haven't felt this way in a long time. He gets more soap and starts massing my head and gets the sponge again and rinsing the soap out of my hair and the soap off my body. He gets a towel helps me stand up and raps the towel around my body and picks me up bridal style and takes me to his bed , pulls out one of his boxers that he cant fit and that i love to, he gets a bottle of lotion and one of my bras that i left before and one of his shirts he drys me off and turns me on my back and massaging my back and legs and kissing all the bruises Usher put on me and turns me over and massaging the front with lotion and kisses all the bruises even on my inner thigh , he puts the boxers on me and puts my bra on and then puts his shirt on me. And carries me downstairs and sits on the couch while im laying in his lap but he places me on the pillow so i can rest and puts my legs on his lap. He touches my curly hair and kisses me and turns on the tv . " How was your bath ? ' I loved it " Good , You hungry ? ' Yes " Ok. He lifted my legs as he got up and put them on the couch and went to the kitchen and started cooking i just sat there watching tv waiting until he was done. Jay came back with a plate full of food , he cooked eggs , bacon , toast , pancakes , and had a cup of Orange Juice , less then 15 all of that was gone trust and believe im a girl who can eat and i love a man who can cook. " How was your breakfast ? ' Just as hreat as my bath " Maybe i could do that for you more often ' Maybe you could , i said with a smile on my face. " What you want to do today ' It doesn't matter but i know that i have to go home " Why i need clothes , not that i dont mind wearing your clothes that smells just like you , i smiled as i sniffed his clothes and he smiled at me , i moved closer to him and kissed him his lips are so soft , i felt his hands creep up my leg which sent chills down my body. Our tongues had i war and of course he won , i opened my eyed and jay was on top of me i pushed him off ' Thats enough bad boy i said fixing my clothes " Fine you can go but im coming inside with you " Fine asswipe ' What you say " Nothing " Better get your ass up stairs before i cause problems , he said winking at me , ' Ok , im going

5 Mins later

I come back dressed and ready just have to put my shoes on.Jay opened the door for me i got in and we talked until we got there. Jay got out of the car and came and opened my door such a gentlemen. I got the key out of my pocket and opened the door and Usher wasnt there but my place was still a mess it brought back all the memories that happened last night , Jay just hugged me as i got teary eyed a little bit , then i got myself together and went upstairs and started packing my clothes i heard a door open and close and i had feeling it was Usher , i ran down stairs and Jay and Usher were face to face " Jay its ok , i said pushing him back " What do you want Usher " I want to talk , " We have nothing to talk about as i started walking back upstairs and he followed , " I love you and im sorry , " i heard it a million times and im done with it , " Bey please listen " LISTEN TO WHAT WE HAVĒ NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT YOU LIED TO AGAIN , LOOK WHAT YOU DID YOU TO ME , I lifted up shirt and showed him my brusies as i cried a little bit . " Bey im sorry thats why im hear to make it up to you " What can you do to possiblity make it up to me , He got on one knee " Beyonce Giselle Knowles will you marry me ???

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