Chapter 13: Into The Gunfire

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Kofu, Japan

As far as he knew, Kikuoka Seijirou was an officials in the government, somewhere in the military field. While there was no reason for him to show up in apprehending some lowly crook rather than handle 'Sword Art Online', Kairu must be one hell of an ugly bastard if he's gotten even Kikuoka's attention.

Pushing those thoughts, Kazuto focused on the present.

"Alright, is everyone good to go?" Asked Rin, fastening her seat belt.

Oracle gave a nod. "We are. And... thank you for this."

"What? For the lift? Don't worry about it," chuckled the woman, before her lips fell into a frown. "I just hope Rika's fine..."

A mother's bond with her own children. A beautiful thing, even if he was bearing witness to it in an unfavourable situation.

Finally done, the group of three had driven off to a train station, reaching there in just twenty minutes. And being there, it was easy to board a ride. Rin had said that she already returned the car keys to her friend, so they were in the clear.

It had been somewhere around 4,500 yen, which wasn't too bad. And the entire trip must have been two hours and half of one, which was why, once they finally arrived at their destination, he had left the train with a wide yawn.

The entire thing felt too fast and too slow at the same time, like time had been speeding up for their benefits, yet it had been so slow-feeling that it felt longer than that.

That's how time worked. And that's how the brain worked.

Then again, it could have just been the effects of him having fallen asleep along the way. There was nothing he could have done about that, right?

Walking on solid grounds once more had taken quite a bit from him, as he required just a bit of energy and time to reacquaint his feet to the ground, and get his centre of gravity under control. His butt especially felt like it had been used for so long it was stiff at this point, but with enough time he was walking like a champion again.

Man, it's good to walk again.

"So, where do we go from here, Kirigaya-kun?" Rin asked, looking around the town. So much familiar sights, and yet it felt just as new to the eyes. She hadn't been here for so long, after all, for reasons all of them surely know by now.

"We go to my house," he told her, looking around casually, though the weight of the situation was still real. "Rika had stayed with me for the night."

"Well, I should get going then," Oracle stated, giving just a small bow as the two looked to her. "Forgive me, but I've... other matters to see to. Should anything come up, just call me, and I'll be there to help you."

"Of course," he nodded back, waving the woman goodbye as she took her leave. "Well then, let's get to Kowagoe."

"Kowagoe, huh? That's quite far," frowned the woman, hoping that they could just take another train ride or something. "Well, I guess we'd have to―"

By now, it's standard procedure. World spits something random to fill in the plot and make it seem 'natural', when the world really is nothing like that.

What was he talking about?

"Excuse me, Kazuto Kirigaya," some voice belonging to a man gained his attention, prompting him to stare at the man with finely swept black hair and glasses. "Forgive me for this sudden meeting, although I assume you know of whom I am? I believe Mr. Yuuki has told you about me before this?"

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