Chapter 6: Along With The Plot

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9th November 2018—Kirigaya Household

After having been done with their drinks, the Kirigaya siblings bode farewell to the Yuuki lass, taking separate trains to their own homes.

It was pretty pleasant. Nice talk here, a little humour there, though he would have appreciated it if Suguha didn't look like she wanted to kill Asuna at every moment. Not sure what to feel about that, to be honest.

"Hmm?" Broken out of his thoughts, seeing that it was still around halfway through the train trip before Kazuto caught onto his sister's sudden exhaustion. "Oh?"

It started off with her eyelids dropping at an interval between a minute or two, or the way her head temporarily dropped before she straightened her posture, only for it to begin again and again.

Then she fell asleep, leaning against his shoulder as she snored softly.

'Must have been tired from walking everywhere,' he concluded, taking a look at his phone. There had been no messages from his mother up until now, so that was fine. He didn't want her to start worrying over him any time soon.

Although, there was the problem about his sister being asl—Oh wait!

Twelve minutes later, Kazuto stood outside of the sliding doors of the train, surprised that there hadn't been too many people here. Instead, he walked forwards.

"Mmgh..." His sister's breath blew gently against the skin of his neck, but he paid it no heed.

In an appropriately named 'Piggyback', he carried her all the way home, not taking a cab because he really didn't feel like spending money, for some reason. Plus, it was good exercise on his part, so he didn't really mind.

The first thing that worried our 'Incarnation' right now, however, was whether or not he should be sleeping with, or without her.

...Nah, she probably wouldn't mind.

'Wait... but if I do that, it might—Oh shoot... Should I do that?' That was the problem about him, ladies and gentlemen. Always too busy with his mind on overdrive. 'Mm, she's just a kid, though. Okay, I have an idea!'


The Next Day, 10th November 2018

When daybreak came, and the sun took to the skies, an amicable sense of pleasantness washed over her room, light breaking through the pinkish-red curtains that dressed the windows.

Suguha never liked very girly things. She liked to think that she was part of the 'in-between', something that which she never really cared too much about. It just... she was worried whether or not it was weird for her to be learning kendo.

But damn it, so many other girls do it too! So she would take it with pride, that she was an uprising kendoka, who would take the world by the horns and win them all!

Plus, it's in the name of both her family and her brother, so there!

"...Hhhwuaa..." Her train of thoughts, which only came as she had been half-asleep and half-awake, had ended abruptly at the sound of yawning, which immediately forced her to sit up. "...Huh? Oh, you're—Huhaa... Sup'."

Lying on the floor, a respectable distance away from the bed, young Kazuto Kirigaya was on a small little futon, not enough for his legs but something that would do.

Their eyes met for just the briefest of moments before he smiled her way, looking lazy like a Cheshire cat.

"You know... most people would usually stretch their limbs or try to at least get to the showers... If you have time..." Drawled the boy as he let out another yawn. "You should probably do either one of that."

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