Chapter 2: To The Future

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19th September 2018―School

She wasn't blind. No matter how discreet a single thing could be, there was just no way it would have escaped her. Having trained in kendo, it was a necessity that she sharpened her perception in order to read her opponent's movements accurately.

And yet, there was just no way she could have read her brother, no matter how 'sloppy' his posture had been.

Had he just been putting on an image of such? Must be, because she just ends up getting tricked, costing her her win.

And that's just it; her brother suddenly picked up the sword, although he had been doing so long ago, says he. And yet... there's other changes to him, changes that she couldn't help but notice.

He ate. A lot. And that wasn't her trying to call him a glutton or anything; he literally ate double of what their father ate, and the man took quite a big plate.

Secondly, he seemed more... relaxed? It was as if all the negativity he used to have in him had all but vanished, as if they were never there to begin with. He smiled a lot more, so that's nice.

Thirdly... he apparently spoke weird. Like, he had this air around him now, like some prince or something. It couldn't have been just her, because even mom pointed it out once.

Who says 'Pish posh' in English when talking to others anyways? That's, like, old-school English, after all.

While her brother dived into a talk about this and that, Suguha, on her part, just watched her brother, both out of curiosity and resignation.

It had been those days ago, that fateful day, whnmen she had been there to wake him up, something that has become a routine for her, even if had always terrified her to one point.

But then, on that very day, something changed. He changed.

Kazuto was normal, he was. Just like any other boys out there, except that he looked much more girly than he could ever hope to be, and people often times mistook him for one at times.

But he was a great brother. He had always been kind, loving, and certainly smarter than most. He was her hero, having saved her from drowning once.

She could never forget the look of absolute horror he had in him when he had finally brought her out of the water, nor would she ever forget how much he cried to her, asking that it never happened again.

But there had been one memory that scared her. The day that she suddenly stopped talking to her, to her parents, to everyone. The day he had ultimately shut himself away from everything, deciding to become a hermit of sorts. The very same day he... changed.

But then those days ago happened.

He was so much more alive, just like he had been before he became different. And because of all this, they had spent time as siblings once more, became... family again.

It was nice. He was funny, if not a little bit annoying, but this was perfect. She wouldn't want this to change any other time soon.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she saw her brother shouting something at two other male students, one of whom was the typical blond bully, apparently getting assaulted by the black-haired student.

Wait, how did things change so fast all of a sudden? Wasn't he just here―

She blinked.

The commotion caused was drawing gradual attention from the students in the area, everyone beginning to round up at the area, watching the spectacle play out with curiosity.

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