Chapter 10: Christmas Is Romantic(?)

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Two Days Later, 24th December 2018—Yuuki Household

The day passed by very quickly, and the day had come.

Then again, it was celebrated in the evening, and no one had half a mind to rectify that thought. Plus, all anyone could think of was the upcoming time of the year.

Then again, it wasn't the time of the year, since there were a lot of times to watch out for.

And in Kazuto's head, this being the first time actually coming to Asuna's house was a really good timing. This being Christmas Eve was just the greatest time of commemoration, he would think, and that much he could appreciate.

Arriving here in his family's car, which wasn't much compared to everyone else, made him feel slightly... less, he supposed? It's that feeling you have when you're a guy who barely has a roof over his head and you're suddenly stepping foot into a mansion.

Well, in his case, he does have a house. He's just a person who's living a moderate lifestyle. Nothing too flashy, of course.

For some reason, he had a feeling that things were going to take an outrageous turn of events. And even weirder still, he felt like it was some sort of déjà vu, despite this being the first time he's coming to the Yuuki's mansion to celebrate Christmas with them.

Hmm... Odd. It's a weird feeling, that's for sure.

"Suguha," he looked to her, who was wearing just a simple green dress. Almost reminded him of her outfit in ALO, though it looked nothing like it, of course. "Are you ready to go?"

"Y-Yeah..." She nodded, gulping. "Man... kinda' makes you feel out of place, huh?"

"You read my mind. But I suppose the Yuuki's wouldn't mind," he shrugged back, being someone who had decided to come in a black t-shirt and dark marine jeans. "Hmm... I can only hope that they're not holding some fancy party. At that, I'm leaving."

"What? Why?" His sister looked at him in confusion.

"I share Asuna's stance; I dislike parti. All the snobbish nobles and uptight rich men. Sure, there are those that seem much nicer than others, but from what I know, rich parties often does bring wine, and anything else that I dislike," the boy shuddered, going out of the car and helping his sister. "Never mind. We'll enjoy the evening, but do not embarrass yourself, understood?"

"Of course I won't!" Suguha huffed back. "I'll make sure not to do anything crazy."

"I'll hold you to that," he chuckled in response, walking towards the house.

Then again, it would be much more accurate to call it a mansion, what with how large it was. Plus, it wasn't like he didn't have the experience to step into one—he had gone to one of his friend's home, and he was none the lesser.

Kazuto whistled in amazement, the details to everything so accurate and finely chosen that made everything so great. To be expected of the Yuuki's.

Stepping into the house, past the beautifully ornate doors, the only thing he could say was how amazing everything looked. If just the exterior was amazing already, then the interior was just twice of how good it was.

Seriously though, this could be the stuff of dreams for most people.

"Aah, Kazuto-kun, Suguha-chan! Welcome!" Asuna's voice had captured their attention, but the boy's mind was quick to take in the sunlight yellow dress she was wearing, with crystal earrings and a necklace hanging around her neck. "Yuuna-san's not here yet, so you might have to wait for a bit."

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