"Look Frank Ocean, it's not what you think-"

"I literally cannot think as to why you're going through my stuff! How did you get in here anyway, Mo? Why are you in New York!?" I threw my arms in exasperation as I walked into my room. I began picking up whatever I could get my hands on in order to place them back into the right place.


"I mean look at this, Mo. I'm going to have to rearrange everything back to the way it was! Do you know how long it took me to press and label my socks, underwear, and shirts? It takes precious time to get them flat enough and creased, and now I've got to do that this weekend instead of drafting up these contracts for work!"

"Stella you're not going to be drafting up anything this weekend because you're leaving in about 2 hours tops."

"Monique like who just goes into someone's home and disrupts the order of their home!? I am livid right now and- hold up. Mo what are you talking about, I'm not going anywhere this weekend! Why is everyone saying that?"

"I'm here packing you up because I know you weren't going to do it correctly seeing as your closet is full of old, stuffy suits! I even had to bring some of my clothes for you to wear so you could look half decent in Hawaii," she patted my right shoulder as she passed me to continue folding clothes to put in the two suitcases on my bed.

"Who the hell looks like they're going to Hawa-" I was interrupted by another familiar voice.

"Okay, Monique so I found some bathing suits at Victoria's Secret. I hope she can fit them- Oh hey sweetheart!" My mom noticed me standing there still carrying a boatload of clothes in my two arms.

"Oh no, not you. MAMA what are you doing here helping Mo tear up my apartment!?" I decided to place my stuff on the nearby armchair. "And could you stop packing my stuff Monique because I'm not going anywhere!"

"Like hell, you aren't! Stella your flight is booked, and your cabin is waiting for you since you obviously found your key already. Now I don't want to hear you don't want to go anywhere because I am tired of seeing you cooped up in this apartment-"

"But mama-"

"BUT SHIT! Don't interrupt me while I'm speaking to you!"

I cowered within myself as I folded my arms. My mama was still a strict parent, no matter how old I turned. You would think I'd get some time away from my family in Louisiana by moving out to New York City, but somehow, they managed to find a way up here every time. My mama was a registered nurse while Mo worked as a Pediatrician. They both worked at the same hospital which probably gave them enough time to concoct this elaborate plan to ship me off to an island.

"Now me, Monique, and even ya daddy has put in overtime to send you on this trip. Ya daddy still driving them trucks as we speak to pay for this, that's why he's not here. We worked with your office to finally use those three months of vacation time you did not use towards this trip. We love you so much and we want you to get away before you self-sabotage and overwork yourself to the grave, child. I don't give a damn what that job is paying you, you're still human who needs a break." Mama's eyes were getting glossy which meant that she was getting emotional with her words again.

I sighed knowing I didn't mean to stress my mama out so much to have to force me on a vacation because she cared about my well-being. I would never intentionally try to hurt her or worry her. That's why I moved from New Orleans so that I could show her how mature and capable I was of taking care of myself. I guess harboring in my work was pushing it.

"Yeah, Stella I feel the same way. I tried placating mama to not worry about you because I know how you get with work. But I couldn't continue doing that knowing what harm you could be doing to yourself by neglecting self-care. You need this trip, sis." Monique went in for a side-hug with my teary-eyed mama. These two women were all I had in this world, including my father. If they weren't so protective of me, I wouldn't be where I am today. That hurt my heart, even more, to know that I disappointed them in some way.

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