31: Final Exchange

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The shower was a relief and a curse. The water was cold, settling his  core temperature back to where it belonged now that the Blue Lion's  power flowed through him. He had begun to grow accustomed to his lower  body temperature over the past few quintants. It made him more  susceptible to the heat but more tolerant of the cold.

Unfortunately,  his lover was the Red Lion's paladin, which meant Keith's body  temperature was higher than what was typical for a Galra or even a  halfbreed. Touching skin on skin was a study in sensation. It was  addicting and Lance was beginning to crave it.

As it was, Lance's  body was slowly recovering from overheating and the lovemaking session  from doboshes earlier. He wrapped his arms around himself and leaned  back against the cold shower walls feeling the freezing water tumble  down over his body until he shivered. Only then did he turn off the  water and step out to dry himself off. His clothes were as clean as they  could be after yet another round in the cleanser. He was really getting  sick and tired of wearing the same clothes every day.

Reluctantly,  he pulled his clothes back on, taking care to look presentable. If he  was going to convince them to work with him, then he had to look the  part. He studied his appearance in the mirror for several ticks before  sighing and looking away. The scar from his empty eye socket would never  go away entirely. It would remain a constant reminder of Sendak and the  awful truth he'd spoken. It hadn't all been true, but it had been close  enough to frighten Lance to the point he'd frozen up, unable to even  run.

Disgusted with himself, Lance focused his attention on his  clothes and noticed something that surprised him. A dark mark was  blossoming on the side of his neck. He pulled the collar of his shirt  down and felt a strange fascination when he saw the kiss bruise just  above the mated Mark. He'd known about the marks on his chest and legs,  but not the ones one his neck. The kiss bruise just above his Mark  couldn't be hidden by his shirt collar. It was too high up his neck.

So why hide it?

Lance  released the fabric of his shirt and watched it settle on his shoulders  so the mate Mark and the kiss bruise were visible. He could get used to  this. There was no reason to be ashamed of his lover or the marks his  lover left on him. If anything, Lance wanted everyone to know he was  taken. He looked forward to when Keith kept his promise to claim him  hard. Lance may not be able to join his lover at the climax, but he  still wanted to feel that amazing bond again.

Satisfied, Lance  walked out of the bathing room into his bedroom, the light turning off  behind him automatically. Keith was still sprawled out on Lance's bed  snoring softly. Unable to resist, Lance moved to his bedside and sat on  his mattress. The view screen still showed the Balmeran night sky but  the aurora borealis was beginning to fade away leaving the room darker  than before. The soft starlight and fading green aurora cast a soothing  glow into the room.

Lance's body still ached from his lover's knot  and probably would for a while, but it was a reminder that he had  someone to call his now. He leaned down and pressed his lips to his  sleeping lover's temple breathing in the scent that was unique to Keith.  His nose wrinkled when he picked up the smell of sex too and sighed. He  would have to clean his sheets tomorrow. He didn't regret it though.  Keith was worth it.

He leaned back and noticed the fluffy ear  right in front of his face. Smirking to himself, he leaned forward and  kissed the tip of the ear, laughing softly when it twitched. Just to be a  tease, he nipped the silky ear, worrying the flesh gently between his  teeth. He only let go when he heard a faint rumbling purr from Keith. It  was adorable and tempted him to stay.

But he couldn't. He had to  do this now. Reluctantly, he sat up and stood, making his way to the  door. With one last look over his shoulder, he stepped out into the hall  and made his way to the guest bedroom.

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