14: Heartwarming Moments

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Lance couldn't remember falling asleep last night, but he didn't mind. He had stayed awake to listen to Hunk regale him with his adventure retrieving the crystal from the Balmera. When Lance heard of the disgraceful state of the Balmera at the hands of the Galra, he felt his heart ache. The Balmera were famous for their peaceful and patient manner. They caused no harm to any living being, even at the expense of their own lives. For the Galra to harm one of that majestic species without any regard for its life was a terrible thing.

He didn't overlook the fond way Hunk spoke of this Balmeran he called Shay. Was this a blossoming infatuation? How completely adorable. Even if it ultimately led to nothing but a close friendship for both instead of a romance, it would still be a relationship to be cherished. That wouldn't stop Lance from teasing Hunk for it at every given opportunity though.

When Hunk eventually retired for the night, Keith had remained behind with Allura. The princess had spent the time filling Lance in on their fight with Sendak. Despite his best efforts, Lance had eventually begun nodding off around the time Allura got to the point where they launched the Castleship. The last thing he clearly remembered was Allura mentioning something about starting to track down distress signals to begin their fight against Zarkon in earnest.

When he woke up, Lance was warm and surprisingly comfortable. His fingers were intertwined with someone's, Allura's he guessed from the dainty shape of the fingers, and his head was tucked under someone else's chin, probably Keith's. He opened his eye and smiled at the sight of dark hair at the edge of his vision. He tilted his head slightly to the left and saw his sister curled close to Lance's left side sleeping soundly.

"Awake?" Keith whispered, his lower jaw brushing Lance's hair.

Lance hummed and nuzzled Keith's throat. "No," he mumbled.

The red paladin huffed lightly and placed a soft kiss on the prince's head. "Are you sure?" he pressed.

"Sure," Lance said, closing his eye.

Keith chuckled. "You have to get up eventually," he said, a smile audible in his voice.

"'Llura's still asleep," Lance grumbled.

"She hasn't slept until now," Keith said.

"I'm her pillow," Lance countered. "Can't move."

"Now you're just grasping."

Lance moaned. "Five more ticks."

"You're like a child," Keith grumbled in amusement.

Lane hummed. "Why're you complaining?" he asked. "You have me in bed with you."


"Stop blushing and sleep with me," Lance sad, pressing his victorious smile to Keith's throat. "You know you want to."

Keith's attempts to formulate a reply were music to the prince's ears.

"If you two are going to start flirting, I'm leaving," Allura said.

Lance froze and turned his head to stare at his sister. Her face was deceptively relaxed, her eyes were closed and her breathing was still slow and rhythmic. "You're awake?" he cried.

"Well, if I wasn't before, I certainly am now," she said, opening her eyes and glaring at her brother. She heaved a sigh and sat up to stretch. She pulled her hand free of Lance's and began tying her cloud of white hair up into a somewhat controlled bun. "Come join me on the bridge later," she said standing. "You've had a long enough break from training."

Lance moaned and deliberately turned his back on his sister to bury his face in Keith's chest. "Quiznak you," he said without heat.

"You wish," she sang, strolling out of the room with only a backhanded wave as a farewell.

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