8: Liquify Stone

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Haxus returned not two doboshes later breathing hard. "Commander Sendak," he called, running into the crystal chamber. "The paladin wasn't anywhere near the main engine room. I believe he may be traveling through the air vents."

Sendak released Lance's face and stood, narrowing his one golden eye at his second in command. "I see." He glanced at the few vents along the ceiling of the room suspiciously. "Check for any communications originating from within the Castle," he ordered. "It's unlikely the paladin knows the entire vent system by memory."

Lance snorted, earning him a glare. "What?" the prince taunted. "I sneezed."

Sendak bared his teeth. Restraining himself was becoming a battle of self-control he did not wish to devote his valuable mental control towards. Not with a saboteur aboard. Haxus ignored the Altean's display in favor of obeying his commander's order. He approached the control panel he'd vacated doboshes ago and began a search of any communication signals by hand.

"Sir," Haxus exclaimed. "I found one." A few quick keystrokes and a female voice Lance knew intimately well rang over the room's speakers.

"There's not much time before they get the ship up and running again," the woman said. "I need you to shut off the particle barrier so we can get inside."

"On it," a younger voice Lance knew belonged to Pidge. "What do I do Katie?"


"The particle barrier generator is beneath the main hull," 'Katie' explained urgently.

"She's telling the intruder how to dismantle our defenses," Haxus growled angrily.

"Yes," Sendak said, studying the Altean prince's face closely. He'd noticed the distinct pallor that had stolen the life from the Altean's complexion when the woman began speaking. "But she's also giving us the exact location of our spy," he said.

Lance looked up at Sendak and met his glare with one of his own. The Galra snorted. The edge from the Altean's glare was nowhere near as sharp as it had been. Most interesting.

"Sentries," he ordered the robot foot soldiers standing by the crystal chamber's entrance. "Find the particle barrier generator and kill the paladin when he shows himself."

As the robots left in a synchronized march, Sendak continued. "In the meantime, Haxus," he said, "repair the engine. The emperor is expecting us to bring him Voltron and the little prince. It would be rude of us to make him wait."

"Vrepit sa, sir," Haxus said, and began typing away, making repairs as quickly as he could from up here.

"I take it this 'Katie' is someone you hold dear," Sendak said, taking note of the way the prince flinched. He smiled. "I promise to extend the best of Galran hospitality to her when we find her."

The Altean glared. "I'll kill you before you get the chance," he growled.

Sendak laughed. "Well, well," he said. "It has a bite, after all. Too bad it can't sink its fangs in. For that, I promise to dispatch her myself, in front of you of course. Wouldn't want to deprive you of a farewell, now would we?"

Lance felt his heart sink in his chest, wriggling his wrists against the restraints. The movements sent pangs of stinging pain up his spine, but it was tolerable. If he could get out of here and protect Allura, he would. It was his duty. More importantly, she was his sister. He had to protect her. He couldn't stand the thought of watching her suffer the safe horrific fate of their siblings.

He'd die first.


"Unidentified vessel. Identify yourself and declare your destination and purpose here."

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