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Author: When I came back to this website i was totally shocked, who would have known someone actually reviewed! so i felt like i should write some more since  i have some time to do it. well thank you for reading my work.  DOMOU ARIGATOU! 



Naruto smirked. “Finally a mission that doesn’t involve catching cats.” The 12 year old strolled towards his kitchen and grabbed a cup of instant miso ramen.

“I hope this is an interesting mission” the Kyuubi yawns in response to what she said.

‘No worries, I bet it is. Since I beg for it. For the record I know it’s got to be since I chose it’

The whiskered kid smirked and exited his apartment.


CH 2: A hint of disguise

"NARUTO BAKA!" yelled a certian red face kunoichi.

It was the brink of dawn and a the whole village 'was' asleep. Until the heard a loud shout, once it was heard they all fell asleep again.

This was normal, even if they hear certain shouts that shook the village. The only thought that passed their mind was 'Naruto, again...' 

'huh, wow this banshee can sure scream alright. Even if its early. I mean REALLY early.' naruto yawned at the thought of morning.

I bet the baka forgot it was morning. hmph! to make me and sasuke incredibly annoyed!" sakura batted her eyes at the uchiha.

"hn"   a small smirk plastered sasukes face.


Naruto held up his fists and put up an angry face.   'not this annoying shit again.'  the blondie rolled his eyes and tried to keep his face angry.


Before anything else could happen sasuke punched the charging naruto on the stomach. His team mate 'passed out' and all the raven heard was naruto whispering "Damn this annoying mask"

The Uchiha was confused and a bit shocked. This behaviour wasn't the naruto he knew and in fact he knew this wasn't naruto. He shook off the thought and assumed it must have been his imagination.

'Hn. My lack of sleep must have catched on' sasuke rubbed his eyes

"SASUKE! are you ok??? That naruto must have done something to you!"         sakura looked closely at sasuke and without realiazing she was only 2 inches away from sasukes face. She jumped back with a full face blush.

INNER SAKURA: Damn! I was sooo close to sasuke and him and I-     and I-I nearly K-k-kissed!!!! Darn I should of prepared for this.

"AH!! Sakura-chan..." Naruto stood up and dusted himself. He walked closer to her, until they were also 2 inches away. Face to Face

Sakura was dumbfounded and awestuck. The face Naruto was making made her blush.        His usual deep blue eyes were now half closed and his goofy smile was nowhere to be seen, but it was replaced with a smirk. "Sa-ku-ra~"  even his voice changed. This voice sounded really mature and husky.

She blushed at the sudden change of her team mate. Only centermetres away from the face, Naruto decided to skip the kiss and he blew softly at sakura's neck.

Naruto takes off his invisible mask!Where stories live. Discover now