Chapter 21 ~ Broken

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It's been 3 days, 3 whole days of doing nothing.

I wasn't allowed to go back to school, Max has forced me to stay home and he doesn't plan on letting me go any time soon. I haven't seen or talked to Hazel in what feels like forever. The only boys I've seen are Max, Cole and Zack. The others have been out a lot, doing deals and that sort of stuff. But Zed, I think he's avoiding me for some reason; but I don't know what the reason is.

I lay on my bed with my phone to hand, writing In my notes; Nothing personal just a bucket list. Things I want to do before I die. The only reason I'm doing this is because being kidnapped by Chase has opened my eyes to the real world, the world isn't perfect or safe and one day I will die. I want to experience the world before that happens so everything on my list must happen before I die.

2 knocks and the door opens. For the first time today, someone enters my room.

"Maddie?" A voice calls out from behind the half open door

"Yes?" I respond

"Can I come in?" They ask

"Sure" I shrug

To my surprise, Zed walks into my room and closes the door. He sits on the end of my bed; not looking at me but at the floor instead.

"Find anything interesting down there?" I laugh

Zed looks up at me, finally, with his eye brows raised and a confused expression plastered on his face. I laugh while he sits with his arms crossed against his chest and his lip pouting out.

"Awww is puppy dog sad?" I continue to laugh

"I'm not a puppy dog" Zed pouts even more

"Come on, give me a smile! It's the least you can do since I haven't seen you in days" I tease

Zed smiles for a second before returning to his frowning self. Jeez, what does a girl got to do around here to receive a smile of someone? I pull the covers off my legs and sit up with my legs crossing over each other. I look like I'm about to do some yoga.

"What did you come here for?" I question, "it's not like you'd have a reason after avoiding me for 3 days" I continue

"I wasn't avoiding you" Zed snaps

"Oh really? So not talking, looking or being near someone is not avoiding them?" I raise my voice

"Well yeah but—"

"Don't lie to me" I cut him off

"Do you think it's easy for me?" Zed starts, "do you think I can look at you and not want to wrap my arms around you or kiss you or just hold you close to make sure no harm comes your way! Do you think I haven't been going crazy since the moment chase took you, trying to think of every possible way to help you" Zed states

"Zed I—"

"The moment I looked at you in chase's arms behind the school, I saw you with blood and bruises like you were some rag doll in his arms, A puppet he was playing with on stings, A dogs chew toy" Zed continues

"Okay I get it" I sigh

"No, you don't get it, You have no idea how messed up you make me! How confused I feel, the feeling I get when your around me is amazing and the moment your gone I need you again. I find myself trying to find ways to be near you, trying to be close to you. But I keep pushing you away at the same time" Zed claims

"So what? It's not like I haven't given you chances! I've tried and tried to be with you and like you but you push me away and show no emotion. The moment we kiss I find you with another girl, I'm like a toy to you, someone you can use now and again for fun. I knew you were a player since the moment I stepped foot into school; NOTHING has changed " I finally have the courage to talk back

"That's really what you think of me?" Zed's voice breaks

Did I just upset him?

"Yes!" I shout at him

Nothing more is said. Zed leaves my room and I'm left sitting on my bed; tears in my eyes. We constantly argue but I've never been so angry at him before! He was like a completely different person, he actually showed emotions but I was the one to push him away this time....

I hear another knock at the door and immediately look up; hopeful that Zed came back. But it's Payton. He pushes his hair back his one hand and sighs, looking straight into my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Payton asks

"O- of course, why?" I lie, of course I'm not okay. I think I just lost Zed

"Liam heard some yelling and now we all just watched Zed storm out" Payton explains

"Zed's gone?" I gasp

"Yeah, what happened?" Payton questions

"Nothing" I look down

"We couldn't hear any words but you both seemed angry" Payton claims

"Well it's fine now" I lie again

"Okay, it's good to see you again" Payton smiles

"Same to you" I return the smile

Payton leaves my room, walking back downstairs.
Did Zed really leave? Has he really stormed out of the house because of our fight?

sorry I haven't updated in a while, I was busy with tests and exams. Ya know 😂

What will happen between Zed and Maddie?

Let me know how you want things to turn out! I've been reading all the comments and I've got to say, they are very interesting. And thank you so much for nearly 40K reads! That's insane for me

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