Wish #16 Part 2

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"Seriously, he's  your dad? How did that happen? I mean....did he know? Or did your mom know?" I gave Nate a flat look when he asked the last question, my mom had known that Mr. Simmons was my father but she hadn't known until a few months ago that he was working at the high school I went to.

"They were high school sweethearts, my mom got pregnant just after graduating high school...she didn't tell Mr. Simmons because he had a sports scholarship to some university so she stayed here and he left. But he got injured in like his second year or something and ended up going to community college to be an English teacher. He has three kids that go to some private school, his wife is the one that earns most of the money," I left out the bit where she offered to pay for me to go to the private school with her and Mr. Simmons' kids as well.

But I turned it down, even though my mom had argued that I should take it. I liked my old school, I liked my friends and I liked my life just the way it was. Sure I would have to get used to Mr. Simmons being my dad and trying to talk to me during and after school hours but I didn't have to change that much.

"Wow, that's some Hollywood stuff right there. So what are you going to do? Are you going to let him be your dad? Because I mean, if he's willing to try then you should too." Colton gave his wise and sagely advice, it wasn't something I wanted to hear but I think I needed to. Since meeting Mr. and Mrs. Simmons I had been thinking about what to do and there really was only one option.

"I guess I'm going to have to try, I'd be dissapointed in myself if I didn't try. Besides, it's not Mr. Simmons fault that he was an absent father... It wasn't my mom's either but, ya know?" I smiled a little when I realized I had asked a question in the way that the Summers' triplets usually asked it. After spending a few years around them I had begun to pick up their accent.

"That's the spirit Pia! Anyway, tell us about your new boyfriend?" I felt myself redden at the question, the last thing I wanted to talk to Nate, Colt and Seb about was the guy I had a huge crush on! They had always treated me like a sister and I guess this was no different, but I still felt mortified when the three of them were sat there waiting for my response.

"Leave the poor girl alone! The last thing she needs is you three butting in, come on Pia. Time to eat, I called you mum and she said it's okay to stay for tea. I'll drop you home after everything is washed up." I was thankful to Mrs. Summers of interupting the boys, it was hard to get out of things when all three were focused on it. But nothing changed their minds quite like their mom telling them off.

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