Wish #12

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"Hey Pia, how was your summer?" The question caught me offguard for two reasons, I didn't know the person and that was the first time anyone had asked me that. For a while I found myself staring at her, I had seen her around from time to time and was sure she was a friend of Ashley's but I hadn't seen or heard anything about Ashley as of yet.

"It was okay, how was yours?" It was only polite to ask after her summer too, I wasn't a rude person and my mom would have scolded me for being anything but polite. I figured there couldn't be much that she wanted to share with me as she hadn't in the past.

But when she turned towards me a little bit more I knew that she wasn't in the conversation for small chit-chat. "Did you hear about Ashley? Her mom died so she's been sent to live with her dad who lives in like China or something, poor Dalton was heartbroken when she left. But, I guess we're all better off now." I couldn't help but frown at the last remark, the only thing I felt was pity. Pity for Ashley having to move to another country, her mom dying and mostly that the people that were supposed to be her friends really weren't.

"Oh no, poor Ashley. Where is Dalton? I didn't see him come in this morning," I tried to keep myself from sounding too curious. Though Dalton had made it clear years before that we were no longer friends I still worried about him. I don't know what it was, my mom always said I cared way too much but I couldn't help it.

"Poor Ashely? Didn't she make your life hell? I say we're all better off, at least now we're not ruled by the biggest b*tch to walk the halls. And Dalton, last I heard he was locked away in his room all depressed and stuff. Who cares though? Seriously?" I could only shrug at the questions, the last thing I wanted to do was start an argument with Skylar and make an enemy of her. She gave me a look before turning around in her seat when our new home room teacher began talking.

I was fifteen years old and sitting in the middle of home room, wishing that I could turn the clock back and have been a little nicer to Ashley and a little firmer with Dalton. At least they might have known that I could have been a true friend, if they had just let me.

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