Wish #11

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"Mom, I'm going to the Summers after school for dinner. Mrs. Summers said she will drop me off once we're finished." That was the simple voicemail I left on my moms phone, she worked more often then not lately which left me at home alone most afternoons. 

I guess my mom didn't want us to be poor again, not to mention I liked the way we lived now. I didn't have to nibble at my food or make sure I cleaned my shoes every afternoon after school so that they would keep longer. I still did it though, just in case. But it was nice not to have to worry so much, I just wished more often that my mom was around so that we could talk or do things that mom's and daughters did.

"So I take it that was the answering machine again?" Sebastian asked as I hung up, it was his cellphone I had used to call home. They had invited me over a few times now but this was the first time I had worked up the courage to actually say yes.

"Yeah, but it's okay. She's probably going to be working late, I really hope your mom doesn't mind that I'm coming over." I voiced my worries again as my stomach twisted in knots for the hundreth time. I kept expecting the Summers triplets to treat me like Dalton had, but so far they were the exact opposite of him.

"It's fine!" They all said in unison laughingly.

"Oh my god! Why are you guys still hanging out with that loser? Don't you know it's not cool to be seen with the local charity project?" Ashley's high pitched voice broke through the laughter and I averted my eyes immediately, since being introduced to Ashley I had learned where to look and where not to look.

"As opposed to the town bike? Listen Ash, we're not interested in being friends with the high school bike, pincushion and you throw too many tantrums so I'm going to add kindy kid onto that list." Ashley huffed indignantly as Colton rounded on her suddenly, he was the quiet triplet. That I had noticed recently, Colton was often watching people more then interacting with them. There was a quiet seriousness about him that was comforting and unsettling at the same time.

"What did you say to my girlfriend?" I recognized that voice anywhere, my eyes came up from the floor to glance over at Dalton who had thrown an arm around Ashley.

"Deaf and stupid are ya? Colton said your girlfriend is the town bike, looks like she's had plastic surgery to last a lifetime and throws stupid little tantrums like a kid in nappies. So why don't you all just bugger off?" Apparently there was security in numbers and Sebastian, Colton and Nathaniel made an intimidating bunch when they stuck together. 

Dalton and Ashley didn't say anything before leaving, I was kind of glad for that. It meant that they wouldn't be coming around anytime soon, the guys didn't seem at all phased by what had just happened so I tried to shake it off too.

"If Ashley keeps giving you shit then just let us know Pia, we don't like bullies." Nodding my head I didn't bring up what Colton had just said and instead went back to eating lunch, it was odd having friends that stood up for me and it was even weirder to be left alone.

But, I was fourteen years old and wishing more then anything that Seb, Colton and Nate were staying for my entire high school year and even beyond. When their dad's term was up and they moved away, I would be alone once again.

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