Wish #5

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"You're too funny Pia!" Dalton said for the millionth time as I joked about him being my boyfriend. We were very best friends, but I think I liked Dalton more then he liked me and I didn't know how to make him like me more.

After he made friends with me he made friends with everyone else in our class, but no one ever made friends with me. I was always 'Poor Pia' to most everyone else, I don't know if it was because they felt sorry for me or if they actually knew I was poor.

I would be wearing the same clothes as from the year before, the same shoes but with different laces and cleaned up a little.

When you grow up poor like me you know how to take care of things so they last a bit longer. My momma never had much money so I never asked for much and made sure my things were taken care of so she didn't have to buy me much, but sometimes she would just because she earned a bit extra.

"I know Dalton, I'm a comedian!" I continued on the joke, even though it hurt to know he only saw me as a friend I had to carry on. 

Dalton was my only friend and I wanted to keep him around for as long as I could...but I was eleven years old and wishing that my only friend would feel something more for me.


I'm not too happy with this wish, so I might change it in the near future.

What do you all think so far?

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